Chapter 36

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A/n at last: important read!!!

I grabbed the letter and stared at it. Reading it over and over again but it still couldn't help the confusion.

"As for Jennifer, I don't regret it. She deserved it" the words ran through my head. What is this? How can someone be so selfish to just take a life for a company which was already doing illegal things?!?

The greatest shock was that my own uncle betrayed me yet I didn't even realise how the wolf was just hiding in the flock of sheep. The person who I kept as a role model and was alittle close too was a crazy and selfish man.

"You okay?" Alex asked, breaking me from my thoughts. I just nodded even though I knew I wasn't okay...

The ride home was silent, only the voices of cars going past and the trees swaying in the wind were heard. The car stopped and we both got out of the car and went in. Upon our arrival, everyone was waiting for us in the dining table. Talking and laughing, it made me smile inwardly to see them all so... Happy? My! I've even forgotten the word...

"How did it go? " Asked Hannah, hesitating. Without responding I just kept the letter on the table. Everyone's eyes were now fixed between the letter and I.

"Well... Read it?" I said.

Jake's POV

We all read the letter, one after the other, feeling both angry and disappointed. Nobody spoke for a long time, it was an uncomfortable silence, everybody staring at each other.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." M/C said, breaking the silence in a sad tone and left the room.

( 1 year later)

Going for a walk was a great way to get a clear head, I stopped and inhaled. Everything is back to normal, no worries, no troubles and problems. I thought, my lips forming a smile.

"Hey!" A familiar voice spoke from behind, I turned around and greeted back with a smile. "So, what are you doing here?" Jake asked walking with me.

"Just wanted to go for a walk." I answer, he nodded in return. "What about you?" I ask, he hesitated.

"Uh... I was actually coming to your house... Hannah wanted me to give you this..." He said and took out the same box with the emerald, he looked at it for a second then gave it to me. "Hannah said you could keep it or throw it away, it contains everyone's jewels except yours..." he adds.

"Okay, thank you." I said, giving a smile again.

"No need... If you don't mind me asking, what are you going to do with it?" He asks curiously.

"I'm going to bury it somewhere, I don't want to keep it." He nods again.

"Need any help with that?" He joked, letting out a chuckle.

"Uh sure, you can bury it then, anyways I have to get going. Thank you." I answered back quickly and gave him the box and left before he changed his mind.

Jake's POV

Well, one lesson learnt... Never ever joke with anyone when it comes to things which they want to bury. I thought as I passed through the trees with a shovel in my hand and the box in the other. Once I was deep enough in the forest, I put the box aside and started digging. After about 10 mins, I dug a deep enough hole and put the box inside. Looking at it one last time, I started to cover it with the same mud.

After completing my task, I left.

The forest still hides many secrets, this is another one. The death of two girls and everything that happened lies with the box. The memories of Jennifer and Amy are now buried deep in the forest, deep down covered with earth and deep down within all of us. A tragic story it was and will soon be forgotten by everyone except by us... 


A/n: I still can't believe this is the last chapter, it was an amazing journey. I feel so good yet so sad... Thank you for all of them who read it till the end, it was an honor for me and we'll appreciated. This just came to me and I wrote it, never actually thought anyone would be interested but wow! You are all so amazing. I don't know what I should say except thank you:) hope you enjoyed my little fantasy of duskwood... Have a great day/night ❤️🖤🌹

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now