Chapter 10

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I woke up , by jeremy banging on my door. I got up and went to the door and opened it. 'You don't have to wake the whole world up, you know. ' i almost yelled, then regretted it.  My head was in a bad condition. I put one hand on my head, 'what do you want?' I asked a little harshly.
'Calm down, uncle's here and  wants to speak to you.' He said, pointing to the living room.
'Well i don't, have a great time.' I replied and closed the door. I went to the bathroom, while Jeremy still banging the door . I took a shower and changed my clothes, i went out of the bathroom and opened the door. I was going to the living room  but stopped at the door because  I heard my uncle and Jeremy talking.
'Now, we just need to think of a way to get her to give the apartment to them.'
My uncle said looking at some papers.
'Yes but she's not  going to just give it to them. ' Jeremy replied giving him a paper.
'Well, she has to. I promised her mother i would do it if they asked.' He said sighing.
'How did they even know?'  He questioned. While my uncle just shook his head ,looking  at the papers.
'What do you think she'll ask me for the favor?' He asked suddenly.
'Ask you?' He nodded.
'Yes, they told me to handle it.'

'You can wait and see.' I said  leaning on the door frame. They both turned around to see me.
'Didn't anyone teach you eavesdropping is bad.' My uncle asked.
I shook my head.
'That means you have heard our whole conversation?' He asked.
' Well ,no . Except the part where my mom is dead  and my father and my sister left me and i haven't seen them in years and suddenly they come asking for some property which my mom had promised them and my uncle is responsible for that. And ..... about that favor , i have decided what i am going to ask you.' I replied  walking towards the kitchen to make some coffee. I made 3 coffees, put it on a tray and went to the table where they were sitting. I sat beside Jeremy and gave both of them the coffee.
'So what favor are you going to ask me? My uncle asked taking a sip of his coffee.
'Depends.' I replied, he raised an eyebrow.
'On what?'
'Well, if you are going to do it, without asking questions.'

'If i am asking questions?'

'I'll change the favor.'

'Great..... i want to get out of this, as soon as possible, so i am willing  to do anything. But without any questions? That's not happening. '

'Ok, then give me some time to think about what i'm going to ask you.'

'How much time do you need?'

'Maybe a month, two months or a year, no maybe some years.'

'I can't wait that long.'

'Not my problem. '

'Fine, I'll do the favor without any questions, how bad can it be? Now shoot.'

I was about to answer him but jeremy interupted. 'Maybe you should tell me the favor first.' He said seriously.
'Oh..that won't be nescessary.' As soon as i said it, he gave me a death stare.
'On the second thought, I'll tell you first.' I said getting up, i left the room and he followed, while my uncle sighed  and shook his head.

'Okay, please don't tell me that your , so called favor. Has something to do with jake. As soon as he said that, i gave him a cheeky smile, which was enough for him to understand.

'Please don't give me the smile. And besides how are you going to convince uncle? He would never do it without any questions.' He asked.

'I'm not, you are going to convince him.' I replied smirking.

'And why would i do that?' He questioned with wide eyes.

'First, because he is your friend and you know more about him than anyone. And second, if i convince him ,he would definitely be skeptical about it.'

'And why would he be skeptical?'

'He doesn't know anything about hannah or anything for that matter.'

'Ok but what is it about jake that you want me to ask?'

'What do you think?'

'Oh no. I am not doing it. And there is no way  you are convincing me.'

'Oh yes. You are doing it. And if you do , I'll give you all your embrassing photoes which i have. Or do you want me to keep it?'

'I am convinced, let's go tell uncle.' Going to the living room.  He looked back as i was not coming.'coming?' He asked.

'You think it's a good idea?' I replied, he shook his head. 'Tell me how it goes.' He nodded and went to the living room. I went to my room, opened my laptop and started the 'cloud hacking'.

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now