Chapter 13

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I stayed there for awhile and i was starting to get bored..... what am i going to do now. I opened my phone to see it was already 1:30 and i was hungry. So, i got up to go and get some food.

'Where are you going?'He asked while turning to me.

'To get some food. You want something?'

'Nope.' He replied and turned to continue his work.

I opened the map on my phone, i knew where I was going . Black swan, since jessey said that their food is amazing.It was actually on the other side of the town. Great....I was really  hungry and by the looks of it i could eat literally anything.

Something was strange about duskwood from the start. Mysterious forest, creepy legends, and a lot of secrets. I passed a house, it was abandoned but somehow it gave me a deja vù , kind of feeling.  Nobody was on the streets, no wonder people got kidnapped so easily here. I stopped at the entrance of the house, there was a huge iron gate with a big lock on it. After staring at it for sometime, i proceeded on my way. But i fell on the ground, i bumped into somebody.

'Are you okay?' The voice said it sounded familiar.  I looked up to see who it was. Hmm.... Alex... he offered his hand for me to get up. I took it and  got up.

'Yeah. Sorry about that.' I replied.  He just nodded.

'What are you doing here?' He questioned curiously. I was hesitant to answer his question, but i still did.

'My car broke down, so i droped it at roger's garage and yeah. You?'

'Just dropped my sister at her friend's house.'

'How is she?' I asked seriously.  She had a shock of her lifetime when their mother died. It took a toll on her, so Alan bloomgate, their father decided to put her in therapy.

'She's doing a lot better. Thanks to you.'

'I'm glad to hear that.' I replied and gave him a smile.

'So... I'll be going on my way.' I nodded.'be careful, don't walk alone on streets like these.' I nodded again. We parted ways. Now i was 10 minutes away, i thought about that house again, and why alex was there. I know he said that he just dropped her at a friend's house but i knew he was lying, somehow? Nah... i'm just overthinking it. Yes, that was it.

Now i was standing in the restaurant's parking lot. I saw about three cars and...... someone i know. Now i was excited, the person was leaning on the car, staring at their phone. I took this as an opportunity to scare that person. I went behind the car , trying not to get caught. I went closer to them and.....

'Mahhhh....' i kinda yelled. Luckily there was no one besides jessey..... yup jessey. She fell on the ground with shock.  But me i was laughing, i knew it was mean and bad. But i kind of enjoyed it.

Jessey's POV

'What the hell ,dan?' I yelled and looked up to see it wasn't dan.... huh? I saw a girl about my age, she was laughing for a while, then stopped and helped me up.

'Sorry about that. I wanted to scare you.' She said. While i was brushing the dust off my dress.

'It's okay.  Umm.... do I know you?'

'Yeah.... you do , jess.' How did she know my name. Now i was more confused. I didn't tell her my name....

'C'mon.... you know me.' I shook my head. I really haven't seen her or knew her in any way.

'Want me to give you a clue?' I nodded. Now i was getting curious.

'Hm..... let me think. Man without a face? Does it ring a bell?' My eyes widened, was it her? Who else knows it? Nobody.... but richy and the group and .......

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