Chapter 8

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I opened the door, let's  just say, i was not happy with the result. Jeremy was standing there with my uncle and two other people. There was a girl about i think two years older than me and a man, he looked like he was in his 40's. I didn't know them, i was confused and Jeremy noticed. 'Wait here , she doesn't know them. It would take her as a shock.' He said while pulling me to the living room, while me being me, i was asking so many questions but i got no answers. Jeremy left my arm and went to jake, that's when i realised that my uncle was working with the government. Uncle frank was the one who got jeremy out of  the 'wanted department'. After having  convincing my uncle for over an hour, he agreed on one condition, that he had to work for him, which jeremy happily agreed.
While i was standing there, leaning on the door frame, they ended their little chat and jake got up and was walking to the stairs, to go to his room. Lilly followed without any hesitation, they both shot me a concerned look before going to their rooms. 'What's happening?' I asked curiously. 'We've got guests. Sit down, I'll bring them in.' He replied giving me a smile , i nodded and smiled back but something told me that my smile was about to disappear. I sat down, it striked me that i didn't put the dairy and other things. I put everything into the bag and kept it beside me. Jeremy had went to call the three people in, it was 5 minutes and still they didn't come. I got up and took my bag to my room and went to see where they were. I heard them talking and i stopped. 'Well, we have to tell her someday, and she needs to meet us.' The girl said sounding annoyed. 'I know that but it's not my fault that you guys came not with the willingness to actually meet her but to  take her property.' Jeremy replied angrily. I didn't think i heard it right, could it be them. No way, they clearly stated that they didn't want to be in contact with me after my mom died, more like killed herself.  'I know it's hard  for her but they want to meet her and settle it.' My uncle interrupted camly, i was not surprised at his sudden comment. He was the only one that actually contacted me after mom died. We were pretty close, i would say.' Are we done? Because i don't really want to talk about it. ' the man said with a furious tone. You can tell he was mad. That's when i stepped in.' Talk about what?' I asked nervously, while they were just staring at me. They obviously didn't think i was standing there.

'Nothing, they're just asking for some directions.' Jeremy broke the silence, you can tell that the others were annoyed at him for lying .
'I'm not stupid, jer. I heard some of your conversation. Is someone going to explain what's going on?' I replied looking at him with a 'start talking' face which my uncle accepted.
'It's okay, let's sit down and we'll explain everything.' He responded, i nodded , without saying anything we all went to the living room and sat quietly.
'We all know the basics about your mom's death, right?' My uncle said looking at me , i nodded. My eyes were getting watery, i didn't think hearing someone talk about her death would be like this.
'And you know that, your mother gave her whole property to you?' He asked, i nodded again in agreement. My mother and i were the closest, on the other hand , Lydia, my sister was  daddy's girl, my sister and my mother never got along well. Maybe because, my sis and i went with dad to parties, got drunk and many more things, which i don't want to remember. Eventually I stopped because of my mother, she got sick , so i stayed at home to be with her. We sat and talked for hours, that's when she said ' you know, i would love for you to study and graduate. I don't like you or lydia going to parties and getting drunk, shoplifting or doing any of those things. ' i nodded and i used to stay with her from that day.... a year had passed normally.  With mom and dad fighting every day, about my mom going to work and dad gambling everyday... it was a nightmare. I remembered the day , mom killed herself.....

May 7th ...... flashbacks*
I came home from school, to find mom crying . I went to hug her, she hugged me back and said. 'I love you, honey.' I responded the same. That was the last time i saw her.... My mom had already done the will process with her lawyer....
May 8th....
I was crying the whole time... many people came and gave their condolences. The funeral was also the last time i saw my dad and sister.  They disappeared after that. I moved from our house to my mom's first husband... after my mom died, i fell into severe depression. But Zack helped a lot by  putting me into therapy. That's where jeremy comes in, he was my mom's first child. To be exact, we were not friendly at first but then things changed.

I didn't know i was crying the whole time, everyone stayed quiet.... until...
'Stop crying little sis.' The girl said, my mind was blank . That girl was my sister, and logically the man would be my father...... WHAT.....
'Lydia?' I whispered, i didn't think she could hear it. She nodded.
'Then that must be...da-' i said pointing at him.
'Dad, yes. Now ,what else?' She interupted. I didn't say anything. It was very confusing for me. I have not seen them , since mom's funeral, which happened  when i was 15 and now I'm 24.  I have not seen them in 9 years....
My father interupted my thoughts,'so, we need a favor from you.' He said. I was silent.
'Your mother owned an apartment in colville. And according to the will, you are the owner and we need to settle down. Lydia got a job, near the apartment. Do you know where i am going with this?' He asked. I nodded. My father always wanted to settle there but my mom wasn't up for it, for whatever reason.
'So what do you say? We have everything ready, the lawyer, documents. All you have to do is sign.'
He asked staring at me. 'I have to think about it.' I replied, i just stoped crying, i didn't want to do it again.
'What is there to think? Nothing really.' Lydia interupted. I didn't say anything, she asked again. I was about to reply but Jeremy did it for me.'What's in it for her?' He asked. 'Well, we'll  not bother you or contact you again.' My father replied. 'According to me, you never have been in contact. You disappeared right from the start.' I said bluntly ,giving him a stare.
'You have one day and one favor to ask us.' He said getting up and we heard the door close, lydia soon followed. Now i was left with my uncle and Jeremy. I excused myself and went to my room.

The next chapter is going to be big. Hope you like this one!!!

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