Chapter 22

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Jake's POV

'Guys....' i said, they both stopped talking and looked at me with confusion.

'What is it jake?' M/C questioned curiously. How do i tell them? I got up and took my laptop and sat on the bed in the middle of them both. I pointed my finger at what i had seen.

'Do you guys get it?' They both nod but don't say anything. For atleast a minute, the room was silent.

'Well.... we have atleast half an answer.' M/C started. Lilly just nodded and i read it again. It was a short artical but quiet informative.

Misphel 4 loans closed for deceiving it's  loanees.

Misphel 4 loans , a loan trust is closed now because of deceiving it's loanees on countless occasions and threatening them to stay quiet about it. However, someone  bravely reported it to the police and the police interrogated all of the loanees who confirmed it. The police chief of colville said that the charges would be very high and all of the stolen things would be returned to its original owners. The police chief also stated that the owner of this loan agency was anonymous and that none of the members knew who it was  in any way, they would only contact him through one person but that person also has no idea of who this mysterious loan agency owner is and that they would do as much as they can to find him or her.

Okay..... that was a lot of information indeed but no connection to what happened to jennifer or hannah in any way. Or there is but we can't see it. I scrolled up and glanced on the date. 15th july 2006.... the artical was from 11 years ago. And Jennifer died atleast 10 years ago...... how does this connect?

'What date did Jennifer die?' M/C asked out of the blue. I went to the notes tab in which i had collected some information about her. I scrolled down a little.

'September 8th ,Saturday, 2007.' I replied, she frowned and nodded.
There was a complete silence in the room, the only thing we could hear were our heavy  breaths, no one spoke for a while but then lilly decided to break it.

'Jake and i went to see his apartment today.' M/C raised an eyebrow and turned her head to me and then back at lilly, expecting an answer from anyone of us .I looked at lilly who just shrugged.

'We wanted to tell you earlier but then alex showed up and ..... you know how that goes.'

'And why are you telling me this?'

'Because..... jake insisted that we stay at his or my place because we have stayed here atleast for a month and a half.'

'So? I don't see a problem in that.'

'We both do, we feel guilty about staying here and you doing all the work.'

'Can i convince you now that you don't have to feel guilty?'she replied calmly.

'No.' I shot back. They both looked at me. Suprised, I'd say. M/C sighed and laughed alittle.

'Whose house are you both going to stay?' She asked.

'I thought it would be hard to convince you.' I said frowning.

'Nah.... i like the house to myself. It's more peaceful. ' she answered laughing.' Just kidding, it's not like i can convince you but if you want to stay here for some more time, i don't have a problem with.'

'We'll be going tomorrow, actually. ' i added to which she flinched but  didn't say anything.

'It's in duskwood. Near the bar aurora .' She nodded.

'Can you send the artical on the loan group?' She said changing the topic, i nodded and turned to the laptop to send it. The moment i clicked the send button, M/C spoke.

'What are we going to do now? I mean we found something on this Misphel's but what are our next steps?'

'We can go to colville to find more about it.....' lilly suggested.

'No.... that doesn't make sense when they closed the unit 11 years ago.' I interrupted. She nodded and turned to M/C.

'What if we find out who the loanees were, maybe they know something?' M/C added.

'And how you going to do that?' I asked curiously.

'Didn't think about that yet.....'

Their was our friend again , silence. Until M/C's phone rang. She picked it up from the side table and answered it and greeted alex.

'Yeah they're here..... sure. Hold on a sec.' She said and put it on loud speaker.

'Okay, i found something important about this Misphel. ' he said seriously. None of us replied . 'I asked my dad about this and he said that my aunt actually took a loan from this agency. I spoke to my aunt and she said that they were closed because they deceived some loanees but my aunt said she took loans from there very frequently and that they would keep their items or proofs or whatever in a very good condition and would return it immediately after the loan was payed back.'

'What? But the artical said.....' M/C said confused.

'What artical?' He questioned.

'The one we sent in the group chat. The message said you read it.'

'Are you guys okay? Because i have no idea what you're talking about. What group chat and i was with my father this whole time.' With that statement all of our eyes were wide .

'Wait...... if you didn't even know about the group chat, then who sent that thumbs up?'

'Thumbs up? What are you even talking about? You never created a group and i didn't even receive any notification. '

I took a look at the group and my jaw dropped to the floor. How is that possible? The girls noticed my reaction and asked me what's wrong.

'Alex is no longer in the group. And it says that i removed him......'

'What?' Lilly and M/C said in unison and i turned the laptop to show them. Now their jaws dropped and we could only hear Alex's questions.

'Guys? Can someone please tell me what g-' we heard a thud .*beep, beep* the phone cut.

'Alex? Are you there? Alex?' M/C almost shouted, she was frightened. Tears were forming in her eyes, staring at her phone. I just stared at her, what was going on?



Hello!!! Hope you liked this chapter, and i just wanted to tell you all that my posting might not be as frequent from now on.  You see, my online classes start from tomorrow ( insert eye roll) and i might not be able to post a chapter in 2 days but i will try to post every chapter as soon as possible. But..... yes there will be atleast one chapter a week. So........ yeah, that was pretty much it. Love you all!!! Bye❤

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