Part 35

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*Five days later*

' it's not going to work, I'm telling you! We barely managed to escape and you want us to meet him? Are you crazy chief Alan?' Hannah almost yelled, with anger in her voice.

'The police will be there, you don't have to worry about anything.' Alan answered calmly while a commotion rose.'

'If you think I'm going to let them meet that psychopath, you are definitely wrong, father!' Alex interrupted while Hannah, jake , Jeremy and I were still against it.

'He just wants to meet one of you and that to only for five minutes, doesn't hurt much, does it?' Alan asked, for him, it doesn't but for us it does... Alot too. 'please just reconsider, we can't do anything without knowing why he did it.' he concluded and got up from the chair. 'I do hope you both feel better.' he added and left the room.

'Is your father crazy? Do you really think we're going to let them meet him?' Jeremy asked.

'Sometimes I think he is mad... But what are we going to do? We have to decide till noon and they have to meet him at night...' Alex reminded.

'What? No way we are letting them meet him! Just look at what he did to them! And now they're in the hospital!'

'Okay, then we aren't going, right?' Alex asked again to confirm, everyone nodded except for me. I had some doubts which still didn't clear out, of course I was scared but something told me to just say yes to the meeting...

Alex dailed his father's number and put it on loud speaker so everyone could hear the conversation. Alan picked up after two rings.

'I suppose you have made your decision?' He spoke.

'Yes, we are no-' Alex started but I interrupted.

'I'm ready to meet him, when should I be ready?' I said, while everyone just stared in shock at me. Jeremy mouthed a 'what?' to which I just ignored while the rest were just dumbstruck.

'Wonderful! Be ready at 7, we'll pick you up from the hospital and then we'll meet him. You can bring a single companion with you, whoever you may choose.' with that he cut the phone before I change my mind.

'What?' everyone blurted out together.

'What?' I repeated, knowing what was coming ahead.

'You know how dangerous it could be? Are you mad?' Jeremy questioned angrily.

'Yes, I know but I have a stranger feeling that he wants to talk about something important...'

*(Some hours later)* 'Are you sure you want to do this?' Alex asked, stopping the car and looking at me, I nodded. I wasn't sure if anything at the moment but no turning back now. Upon entering the station, chief Alan greeted us. 'I see you have made it but I don't think we need you right now...' he started nervously. We both give him a strange look and Alex asked what he meant by that. 'I mean... He doesn't want to see you anymore. He just gave an envelope to us and said to give it to you... Here is it.' he said handing it to me. This doesn't look good... I thought. 'So, can we go now?' Alex asked and the chief nodded his head. We made our way back to the car while my eyes never left the envelope. I sat in the car and opened it. I found two papers and a jet black raven feather which gave me chills. I unfolded the letter and started to read but I couldn't so I gave it to Alex and asked him to read it aloud. He agreed. 'Let's see... It says...

  'Dear M/C or Hannah, whoever is reading it. You might be wondering why I called one of you and didn't meet up, let's say you'll understand it after some time. For now, all I have to say is... I'm not sorry for whatever I did to all of you, you know why? Because that's how I felt when your mother betrayed our company, it was dear to my heart and I was completely shattered when it happened. As for Jennifer, I don't regret it. She deserved it, another reason why I chose the legend of "the man without a face" it's complicated and you know it. You might have many questions left but as for now this is all you'll get to know...' 


I know this is short, I apologise. And I also apologise for the delay 😅 the next part is going to be the last. I hope you liked it and I'll try my best to post it till next week:)

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