Chapter 31

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Jake's POV

It's been about 2 hours since she's gone. Where could she be? What is she doing? Is she okay? All these questions making me more and more nervous. I knew i shouldn't have listened to her when she said she wants to be alone. How dumb of me!

I got up from the chair and went downstairs. It was the same there too, i saw lilly pacing the room, while Jasper was on his laptop muttering something and on the other hand Alex was no where to be found. I went and sat beside Jasper, who looked at me with frustration.

'What happened?' I asked confused. There must be something...

'I...i lost her...' he answered hesitating. What?!?! What did he say?

'What do you mean 'you lost her ' ? ' i almost yelled.

'The device has lost it's connection with us, it's either broken or the battery's down.'

'It must be broken because the battery was full when i gave it to her.'

'Now, what will we do?'

'Where was she last?'

'We don't know, the dot was going in circles after that it just vanished.'

Alex's POV

'Where's she at?' I asked worried. It's been 2 hours and she's not here yet.

'I lost her man' Jasper answered, almost throwing the laptop on the couch. Without uttering a word, i got up and went to the other room. I opened the drawer and got out some flashlights, some bluetooths and some other things. I took everything and put them in 4 small backpacks and went out of the room taking all the bags.

'You guys ready?' I asked, passing all the bags to everyone.

'Ready for what?' Lilly questioned frowning.

'To go and find her, it's been 2 hours, we lost all track of her and now we have to find her. The last time we saw her was near.... this area' i answered pointing to it on the device. 'So, we start there, we go in 2 groups. Lilly you're with jasper, jake you're with me. You go from the left, we'll go from the right.' I added. 'And whatever you do, don't split ways. I'm serious!'

Jake's POV

It was quite dark outside, the only thing we could see was the way our flashlight was facing. The trees were swaying in the breeze, the leaves rustle and the owl was howling. The only thing we could hear were some crickets and the leaves.

'Great... we are some miles away from the house and yet there is no sign of her...' Alex started in irritation. 'I swear i-' his rant was interupted by lilly speaking on the bluetooth.

'' she said in an anxious voice. ' coo-me .... he-er-ee...' she added, her voice breaking more and more. She sounded worried, i looked at Alex who was already leading the way to them. After about some minutes we were with them.

Lilly came towards us with a look like she just saw a ghost. She looked pale and was shivering intensely. I looked around to see Jasper staring at the ground like there was something there. Alex and i exchanged a look and took some steps towards him. As we came closer, we saw what the problem was...

"Leave now if you want to survive, nothing will stop me from sacrificing the two sinners, tonight they will die!''

Was written in blood and the leaves making a square pattern around it...

'Tonight is a full moon...' Alex whispered.


Hope you liked it! Have a nice day/night!

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