Chapter 29

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I was mad at jake, mad was an understatement, actually. It felt like he didn't trust me enough to tell me. Whatever it was, it sounded important and a very, very serious matter. And from the tone Jasper said it, it made me even more curious and worried.

I was in no mood to have a light hearted  conversation with anyone but i had to since i was going to meet up with one of my friend's mom who i haven't seen for almost a decade. I tried to calm down alittle and took in some deep breaths and looked around. Some fancy white tables with some  equally fancy chairs, all infront of the cafe. While on the inside, there were  2 wooden tables with a few chairs on each one. One of the walls had a large poster of the menu there, the walls were white and  the sunlight shinning through the glass, giving a more amazing look to the interior. All of it giving a nice and comfortable aura.

Alex had left me here 15 minutes ago, he said he had something important to do, i wonder what it is... but again, he told me to call him after we had our so called 'discussion'. The 15 minutes then turned into 20 and then 25 and there was still no sign of iris. Sighing, i took out my phone and saw some new messages from Alex.

Hey, is she there? Anyways, I'm sending one of my friends to pick you up. I got somethings to handle.

I was about to reply, when i heard a voice, a familiar one. I looked up swiftly and saw a blonde woman in her, i think 40's, standing infront of my table.

'M/C, how wonderful to meet to you again, can i sit down?' She asked politely, giving me a comforting smile. I nodded and returned it. She sat down and put her black bag on the chair beside her. 'I can't believe that it's been almost 9 years! How have you been?' She exclaimed.

'I've been great, how are you?' I returned the question with an awkward smile. She shook her head and let out a laugh.

'Still the same huh? Can't handle small talk?' I smiled and nodded. 'Okay, then let's get straight to the point...' she added to which i nodded again. 'The reason i wanted to meet up with you is because... before hannah disappeared, alex and hannah had visited me, to ask about jennifer...'

'When they did, alex had left us to talk about that and that's when i told hannah about the loan agency. Mishpel... and i don't think hannah told alex but one of the main worker there was... Ted madruga... hannah told me she wanted to meet him and ask about the thing with the Misphel but... the poor girl disappeared before she could...' She finished lowly with tears forming in her eyes. Hannah was very close to Jennifer and iris and i mean very. I was about to say something when she spoke again. 'It's the same man who got jennifer, i know it... the threats he gave and the way he followed them everywhere . Hannah had told me everything, she even told the police chief. Alan but he didn't believe her and told her to get into therapy and said that they had already caught the person who was behind jennifer's case... but as far as i know that they never caught him... that's why she came to meet me...' At this point she was trying not to let the tears fall but failed. She let out sone silent cries and looked outside. Silence filled the whole place, we were the only people sitting there, so there was no attention gathered.

Jake's POV

She had left without even saying a word to me, yeah of course she would, what did i expect? Her coming and hugging me? I paced up and down the room with my breaths uneven and my anxiety lurking around the corner.

With silence filling the room, the sound of my phone ringing made me jump out of skin. I picked it without seeing who it was. 'Hello?' I snapped.

'Not you too, what is wrong with you two? If you have some problem in between figure it out yourself instead of taking it on others.' The sound of Alex made me roll my eyes. If he knew what had happened, he wouldn't be so judgemental. 'Anyway, pick her up from the cafe in about 20 mins, i have some places to be. Thanks. ' before i could say anything, he hung up the phone. Great... i was about to call back but then again, we have to talk sooner or later. So, i guess the earlier the better...


After talking for some more time, iris had left and i was standing outside the cafe waiting for the 'friend' of alex to pick me up. Wait... how am i supposed to recognise this 'friend'? I took my phone and was about to dail alex when i heard a familiar voice calling my name. I looked up to see jake sitting in the car. So, he was the friend. I swear, I'm going to kill alex the next time i meet him. Without a word, i sat in and he started driving. I looked back to see a huge black bag. I looked at him with a confused look. He glanced sideways before turning his head to the road again.

'We're going to colville. I have packed your stuff for some days.' He said without looking at me.

'And why are we going there?' I questioned. He let out a chuckle and shook his head. What was funny about that?

'You'll see...'
Hope you liked it and have a good day/night.

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now