Chapter 12

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The next day, i woke up early. Without any alarms or jeremy banging on my door. I made my bed and dressed up, i needed to be prepared for the 'favor'.  A bunch of scenarios were going through my head but none of them were positive.

I needed to ask him somehow..... but he will definitely  ask a lot of questions...... i sighed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast. After that i wanted to take a walk and clear my head a little bit, and besides my uncle will be arriving in the evening. So i had nothing to worry about. I got out of the house and started walking.

Jeremy's POV

I was sleeping peacefully until my phone started to ring. Great..... can't i have a stress free day for once? Now i know how M/C always feels when someone does this to her. I picked up the phone with a pillow covering my head.

'Hello.' I said with an irritated voice.

'Good morning ,Jeremy. Where's M/C? And why is she not answering her phone ?'  uncle questioned. It was definitely weird that she was not picking up and i became nervous about it. Since the whole hannah thing, i have been extremely careful about..... everything to be exact.

'I don't know, i was sleeping. And besides she's probably asleep too, she doesn't wake up till 11 when she doesn't have work. Don't worry.' I replied getting up and going to her room. I opened to see if she was there. Nope...... that girl is about to get in alot of trouble. I sigh and started walking to jake's room. I mean really, if she wasn't there, i don't know where else she would be. I chuckled at the thought.

'Hello? Jeremy? Are you there?' Well as i was thinking these thoughts, i completely forgot about uncle still on line. I stopped at the entrance of jake's room.

'Yes,i am.' I said

'Ok. I'll be at your house in an hour. I have a task you need to do for me. And tell M/C to call me back, right now. Otherwise I would give you both a lecture of a lifetime when i come. He said in a serious tone. I could tell he wasn't joking. And she is in BIG trouble.

'Ok, i will. Goodbye.' He didn't reply, well...... i better get ready for a lecture then. Even if she wasn't in jake's room , i was going get one, whether i like it or not. I cut my phone and opened the door.

'You know if you guys are in a relationship, you don't have to hide it.' I said ,going in .  Well, instead of M/C , i found lilly and jake going through some papers. Now both eyes were on me, both were confused.

'What do you mean?' Lilly asked with a  frown on her face.

'Nothing. 'I told her. Now there was an awkward silence between us. I was cursing myself in my head. And where the heck is M/C?

'Where's M/C? by the way. We have something to ask her.' Jake asked.  Breaking the silence, i didn't expect him to do it but whatever.

'I don't know, that's why i came here. Thinking she'll be here with you guys.'
I answered truthfully.

'Well she's not with us. Have you tried calling her?' Lilly asked. What a genius idea, if she answered her phone i wouldn't be here.

'Yeah i have. She didn't answer. '

Now all our faces were serious, not in her room, not answering calls. Is she..... no, no, NO. Was she kidnapped? Just like hannah? NO. It couldn't be possible. Right?

Just then we heard the front door open. Jake and lilly jumped out of bed and we all went to the door and down the stairs. Slowly but we couldn't risk. It could be the kidnapper.


The sound of birds chirping, the dry leaves making  some sounds as i walk.  Beautiful flowers, no sound of vehicles. Just me , myself and i with nature. At this point, i was atleast out for 30 minutes, so i decided to go home and take some rest before uncle arrives.

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now