Chapter 25

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'Hello?' I asked through the silence and the darkness surrounding me, my voice echoed sometimes and could hear the rain pouring outside. The lightning hit near the house which gave some light for a millisecond. There was a loud thud behind me, i turned around to see what it was and the light came back on. I looked around, it looked like a..... ball room? No, it was just a big room with 2 massive chandeliers, both of them were beautifully made with glass. Suddenly, i heard the thud again but this time it was coming from the side i was facing. And in a second the lights were going on and off, after about 2 or 3 minutes it stopped and there it was, a blood trail leading to a particular room. I followed it, making my steps slower and slower, i reached the door which was half closed, i opened it fully and went inside following the trail of blood. I was looking at the floor the whole time while i was following it, i stopped and looked up. With terror and fright i made my way to the door as fast as i could but it had been locked from the outside. I turned back to what i just saw..... 'Hannah's and Alex's blood is in your hands. Choose wisely.' was written on the wall with blood. In a second i could feel someone calling my name....

'M/C, wake up.' The voice made me jerk and open my eyes. I saw jake shaking me alittle until he stopped and saw that i was awake. 'Alex is on the phone.' He said giving me the phone. I took it and put it on my ear.

'Hello?' I said lowly.

'Hey. I have something important to tell you.' What was that important at.... i looked at the clock 9:30 am. Okay, it was morning....

'Ok. Shoot.'

'Iris wants to meet you..... today. At cafe rainbow.....'

'What? What time?' I questioned getting up from bed while jake gave me a 'what is going on?' look which i  ignored and went inside the bathroom and closed the door shut on his face. He knocked but i ignored....again.

'3'o clock.Be ready, I'll pick you up and then drop you off there.' With that he cut the call. I put the phone aside and washed my face. Now i was feeling a bit okay. That nightmare really had an effect on me. I opened the door to the bathroom and saw jake sitting on the bed tapping his foot intensely on the ground.

'What happened?' He asked getting up and coming towards me.

'Iris wants to meet me at 3. Today. At cafe rainbow. ' i replied and gave his phone back to him.

'Wait... Jennifer's mother. Why would she want to meet you?' He asked frowning. I shrugged and replied.

'Well.... i haven't met her yet so i don't know....' he opened his mouth to say something when lilly called for us.

'If you guys aren't making out then maybe you could help me set the table.' she shouted. Jake shook his head with a grin on his face and i couldn't hold back a chuckle.

'You go, I'll come after i freshen up.' He nodded and went out of the room closing the door. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and put on some new clothes which lilly gave to me yesterday. With that i went out of the room and went to living room where they both were sitting on the couch and eating.

'Hey, your breakfast is in the kitchen.' Lilly said turning her head to me, i nodded and went to the kitchen. There were two sandwiches on a plate with a glass of orange juice on the counter. I took it to the living room and sat there on the couch.

'So, is it true you're meeting iris at 3 today?' Lilly asked, i nodded again. 'Why do you think she wants to meet you?' I shrugged, she raised an eyebrow. 'Ok then.... you guys are staying here till tomorrow. '

I opened my mouth to say something but the doorbell rang. Lilly got up to go and open the door.
I'm so sorry about small chapter but I'm really busy with school work, I'll try to make longer chapters.

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now