Chapter 18

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Today was the day, I'll  be going home. Even though i don't know what i'm going to do there. Like there would be nothing to do because i have to rest. My stomach still hadn't healed enough and because of that i couldn't walk that much, so the doctor advised me to lie down for the next 2 weeks. My, how boring it would be....

~Time break~

Now i was in my room, jeremy had picked me up from the hospital and dropped me here. I was sitting on my bed, just watching random videos on YouTube but after an hour i was bored. Jeremy was working..... so i couldn't annoy him. Lilly and jake are  not here, where are they, anyway? I took my new phone and went to his chat.



Where are lilly and jake?

I don't know, they said they'll come in an hour or 2. Now please, please , please don't disturb me.

Why not?

Because if i don't finish this work, uncle is going to kill me.

Jeremy is now offline

Okay, great...... what am i going to do? I thought for a minute or 2 and then an idea came to me...... Hannah's dairy...with all of this going on, i completely forgot about that. I slowly got up from bed and opened my closet. I had hid it underneath my clothes and then i went to the table to get the album and the box with the emarald stone.

I went to my bed and folded my legs. I opened the album first, i saw  many photos and stopped at one..... it gave me a deja vù feeling. I saw it somewhere but i couldn't remember.  The picture had hannah and i..... we both were leaning on a tree and looking towards our left side. The place looked so familiar but where.....

One thing i could tell , it was a garden or a backyard or something like that..... i looked at the photo for some more time before keeping it on the side table near my bed. Then i opened the dairy which was almost fully empty..... what? No way, i turned a couple pages to find any written page and i found 2 or 3 pages..... i started to read with a curious but anxious mind....

January 15th ,2016. Friday.
Dear dairy,

Today, i met iris..... and guilt overtook me, it was one of the worst days, the one thing i knew somebody was following him and myself. He was there with me and i was relieved because of that.... i can't lose anyone else. I have already lost one and the other doesn't remember.  I wish she was with me..... but atleast i have them. This is getting out of hand , i can't do anything about it, i really want to but i remember the threats, the raven sign and the proof he gave me.
January 25th 2016. Monday.
Dear dairy,

I still  can't believe it, Jennifer is gone....i can't and will never forgive myself .We were so close, we had become friends that no one knew of. We kept it a secret and i couldn't even go to the funeral. And the worst part is i watched her die..... i couldn't do anything and neither could she..... i screamed at him to leave her alone, to let her live but he just did worse........ i was tied to a tree , my mouth couldn't stop the yelling while the person  next to me.... she watched her quietly, it was killing her from the inside, she had it a million times worse.... to watch the friend she had, die in front of her eyes.... i still remember her face, she was crying more than me. She didn't stop crying till the next day, i felt sorry... deeply sorry, for all the trouble the five of us had to go through.... but now... only the 3 of us remain. Jennifer and Amy.... both were mudered in the same place, even thinking about it hurts.... anyone of us could be next.

If you are who i think you are.....
You need this: 29471

As i read it tears were forming in my eyes,  the memories were coming back to me, everything.... every single detail about it and the only thing i could do was call him. That was the best option for now ......

I took my phone and dailed the number, i knew exactly who it was and he was the only one who could help me. The phone ringed for awhile before a male voice answered.

'Hello?' He said.

'Hi.....' i replied nervously.

'I'll be at your house in some time, don't be late. And keep everything ready. ' he replied and cut the phone before i could respond. I forgot that the doctor told me to rest  but i can't, this is serious. And definitely don't want to risk it. I got up and went to the bathroom, i was about to close the door when i heard a knock. I opened the door and saw jeremy standing there.

'I am going out for a while, are you going to be okay?' I nodded and disappeared in the living room. 

With no time to waste, i got dressed, took the things and went to the kitchen to drink some water, just then i heard the door bell ring. I hastily went to the door expecting him but instead found lilly and jake..... ok, I'm in trouble. The look on their faces was not pleasant.

'Where do you think your going?' Jake questioned looking at me from head to toe.

'I'm going out with a ....... friend?' I replied nervously.  It was the half truth but i don't think they believed that.

'Oh no, your not.' He demanded.

'And why not?' I said coming out and locking the door. I could feel their eyes on me.  I'd have to tell them. They had a right to know.... but.....

'Remember what happened last time when you said you wanted to meet a friend.' Lilly interupted. 'What if something happens to you?' She asked giving me a concerning look.

'Nothing will happen. Don't worry. ' i reassured them, they didn't believe it.

'How can you be so sure?' Jake asked.
I was about to reply when i heard the familiar voice from the gate.

'Because you both are coming with her.' The voice said, jake and lilly turned to see who it was.

'Hello M/C'


Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now