Chapter 20

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It was...... Amy's pendant, how did it come here? I took it and got up, i went inside. They were all still sitting there searching the stack. I went and sat on the chair, alex glanced at me, frowning a little.

'Misphel' he said, i raised an eyebrow. Something in his tone made me shiver. He sighed.

'The name of the loan agency.' He added, i narrowed my eyes. Misphel.... i didn't get it. I never heard it , to be exact. This is getting more puzzling than anyone thought.

'Anything else?' I questioned, he shook his head. 'Look what i found in the garden, under the tree.' I said holding the pendant up in the air. His eyes widened and this time jake and lilly too looked up. He frowned and looked back at the paper he was checking. I kept quiet, it was hard for him more than me. Jake and lilly went back to searching , they was a complete silence. Only the sound of papers turning was heard. I closed my eyes and leaned back on the chair. This is all just a nightmare, a complete nightmare, I thought.

'She was here a week before her murder.' He somewhat whispered , i opened my eyes to see him looking straight at me. Tears formed in his eyes, he gulped and looked down.

'About this Misphel...... do you guys know anything?' Lilly interupted quickly changing the subject. I looked at her arranging the papers neatly. Both alex and i shook our heads. She nodded and looked at jake. 'Do you think you can find something about them?' She asked.

'I can, is there a full name or an address or anything?' He replied nodding.

'The full name is Misphel's 4 loans. No address. ' he nodded.

Now silence again..... we didn't know what to say or do. I was staring at the pendant, it reminded me of the old days. No worries for anything, just us goofing around. I opened my purse to put the pendant in the box , when the dairy fell out. I put the pendant in the box and kept it in and took the dairy from the floor, i was about to put it back in....

'What's that?' Alex asked.

'Hannah's dairy.' I replied, he raised an eyebrow.

'Since when does Hannah have a dairy?'

'I don't know but she just wrote like 2 pages in it, so i don't think dairy is the best word for it.'

'Okay.... can i read it?' I nodded and gave him the dairy. He read the first one with a neutral look on his face, but when he reached the second entry.... he frowned and looked up. 'I don't think she wrote it.' He said slowly. I narrowed my eyes. What did he mean by that?

'What do you mean?'

'Amy was murdered after Hannah's kidnapping..... but in the second entry she mentions 'Jennifer and amy were both murdered in the same place.' But she had disappeared before anything happened to amy. And how did she know where amy was murdered?'

WHAT? That was impossible. I took the dairy hastily and read it again. It was true but how? My eyes travelled to where the date was... 25th January 2016.....

'What was the date?'


'What date was hannah kidnapped?'

'I don't know..... ma-'

'22nd Jan.' Lilly interupted. I nodded. I pushed the dairy towards jake and lilly, they saw it and looked at me with confusion.

'The date..... hannah was kidnapped on 22nd and the entry says 25th. Three days in between and my number came at the same day in the evening. But the body...... the news of the body came the next day. Then how did she know it and how did she put the dairy back?'

'Maybe she didn't.....' alex whispered.

'What do you mean?' I asked.

'Where did you find my number?' He asked out of the blue.

'It's at the end of the entry.' I replied pointing to it. He flinched and looked at me.

'What?' I asked. He shook his head , i looked at him with a confused face. He turned his head to lilly.

'Is this Hannah's handwriting because i don't think so.' He said, lilly looked at dairy and nodded.

'It is.' She replied.

'Where did you find it? The dairy i mean.' Turning his head to me.

'In Hannah's attic, why?'

'Can't you see, hannah disappeared on 22nd and the dairy was in Hannah's attic....... and the entry says 25th. Then there is only one explaination.'

'Which is?'

'Hannah escaped and was caught again.... that's the one thing that makes sense.'

'No..... it doesn't, amy was murdered after 4 days of Hannah's kidnapping, 3 at least. And even if hannah had escaped, why would she go to her house, she could have gone to the police itself or anyone's house...... but how did hannah know about the body and how did she put the dairy back in the attic?'

'Didn't they say that amy's body was exposed to weather for atleast a day?' Jake added. Alex just nodded.

'Maybe hannah had seen amy die too....' i said slowly. 'She even added that it was the same place where Jennifer had died.'

'Yeah, maybe....'

The room was once again silent, it was a sad topic to discuss. We weren't following any concrete lead for now. There was the lead of the man without a face and the loan one. For now, the loan one would be the best to follow. I think..... my phone rang breaking the long silence, i took it and saw who it was..... Jeremy...... i am definitely dead. I cut the call and looked up, all eyes were on me .

'We better get going.' I said , lilly and jake nodded and got up. I glanced at alex, he too nodded. We both got up and i kept the dairy in my purse. Now we were all going towards the door. Alex opened and steped aside, the minute i was out i heard a loud thud, i was facing the door , i was turning around to see what it was when someone pulled me to their side. While they were doing that i had collided with wall a bit and my stomach had a very painful reaction to that. And i was on the ground . Before i could realize what was going on i heard glass shattering. I opened my eyes to see everyone looking where i had been standing a second ago. There were glass pieces all over the floor, what was happening? Jake glanced at me and helped me up. I stood up with difficulty, it was a LOT more painful. After i stood i saw that somebody had thrown a large ball or something of glass. Tried to throw, that is. I don't care how bad my stomach hurted but that would have been worse. A LOT more worse. We just stared at eachother for awhile when....

'You can thank me later.' Alex said.

Hope you all like it, sorry for the delay.

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