Chapter 7

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Jake stood there staring at us.....

He was glancing between me and lilly for sometime, then he came out and hugged me tightly , i was a little shocked at the unexpected reaction, but i hugged him back eventually. We were still hugging ,'ok , if you guys are done, can we go inside or are you planning to stay here the whole night?' Lilly said smirking at us. We broke it hastily , i think jake had completely forgotten about lilly standing in front of us. 'Where's my hug? It's like i don't even exist.' She said jokingly which made jake laugh.
' Of course, you exist. You're my half sister. ' he said hugging her, i was about to say something sarcastic but my neck spoke . It was paining a lot more than before, i didn't know if  i made a noise, while holding my neck .
'You should get that bandaged again.' Lilly said while breaking the hug. I nodded,' i do want an explanation about this .' Jake said while going inside.  I nodded again as a confirmation, we all went inside. Lilly wanted to eat , so jake joined her. While i go and take a shower because my clothes were almost fully covered in blood. I went to my room and kept the bag which contained Hannah's dairy , an album and a jewellery box.  I put it on the table and went straight to the bathroom. I removed the bandage which was soaked in blood . Most of it was dried , i cleaned it with a wet tissue and went to shower.

Meanwhile with jake and lilly~

'So....?' Lilly said jake while taking a bite of her food.
'So what? He asked confused.
'You know what i mean. Don't act like you don't.' She said annoyed by his reply.
'I don't actually.' He replied while shaking his head.
'Really? Then tell me what's going on between you two. ' she said  smirking at him, she knew there was something going on , i mean it was obvious.
'Nothing is going on.' He said getting a little uncomfortable with where it was heading. He wasn't the type who was comfortable talking about this, even with his half sister.
'Oh.. really, then i guess the hug was for?' She asked raising her eyebrows.  Jake was a terrible liar, i mean really .
Jake didn't reply, thankfully M/C came out of her room with new clothes and her neck neatly bandaged.

'Are you going to eat?' Lilly asked while staring at jake, she gave him a smirk which made him think why he was sitting there.
'No, i am not hungry.' She answered, going into her room and coming out with a bag. She sat beside lilly, she knew it was time to 'introduce' the plan to them. She opened the bag and took out the dairy , an album and a jewellery box.  She could see jake staring at things, while lilly just waited for me to say something.  After some awkward silence.
'What is this?' Jake asked with a curious look.
'This us Hannah's dairy and some other things. ' i answered him , hoping he wouldn't get mad at me for not telling him.
'Wait, how did you get it? And besides that hannah never mentioned a dairy while she was talking to me.' He asked  without taking a breath.
'That's what i thought too, but somehow there is one and both of us don't know it and besides how did you get the key to her attic?" Lilly asked with a serious look.
I got nervous, i didn't say anything.  I went blank, i was a little confident before but now... i didn't know what to say.
'Are you going to say anything?' Lilly asked while jake just waited for me to say reply.
'Hello? Are you listening?' She said again. I didn't know what to say.
'Great... at least say -'
'Give her some time.' Jake interupted her. He leaned back on the chair. He knew it was not going to be easy if lilly just kept hurrying her. Lilly didn't say anything after that, which was a relief on my brain. I recollected my thoughts and after some minutes. I started speaking....

'You guys remember going to Hannah's office, right?' I asked, my voice was in bad shape because of my neck. They both nodded. 'Well , the reason i went there with you guys was  ... i found a photo of  Hannah holding  two wooden boxes , when she  was at work.  I found it familiar , i don't know how . So i decided to take lilly with me but when jake arrived , i changed my mind.' I said with difficulty. 'Then why did i have to come with you guys? and why did you decide to let lilly stay at your house?' He asked curiously.  'One, i needed you to access to the cameras and two, i wanted you guys to meet. And for lilly staying here, i decided that even before you came, because lilly said she was feeling like somebody was following her.' I said looking at him, he remained silent.' You didn't tell him about the bridge. ' lilly said , making me look away from jake. 'I was coming to that part. Well... after i found the box , there was a note inside .' I said while giving them the box, after they both took a look at the note. It was silent for sometime. 'I assume that is the reason you went to the bridge and the apartment?.' Jake asked breaking the silence.  I nodded. 'But that still doesn't explain the neck injury?' He asked seriously.  'Well.... it was unexpected. When we both were in the attic , i went to the window seat and sat down , that's when i saw the car park in front of the house. A man came out and started walking to the front door. Both of us left the attic and i locked lilly in the terrace and hid in the closet but got caught . And the man tied me up and threatened to kill me , so i had no choice but to bribe him and he let me go. And in that he cut my neck. Any questions?' I said looking at them. 'Just one, how did you get the key to the attic.' Jake asked  looking directly in the eye. 'I found a box under the bridge which contained the key. ' i answered.  The door bell rang, i got up to get it. I was not happy with who it was....

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