Chapter 6

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The door opened suddenly........

There was a man standing in front of me with a knife in his hand. He was wearing a black hoodie and jeans, he was also wearing a mask. He was staring at me. He took my wrist , pulled me out of the closet and pushed me . My head hit the wall and i fell unconscious on the floor.

Jake's POV

I just saw the message that M/C had sent.... i dailed Lilly's number but it was switched off, what are they doing? I was a mixture of emotions, it was mainly fear . I would have tried to track down Lilly's phone but as it was switched off, i couldn't do anything.  I will never forgive myself  if anything happens to both of them. Of course, Lilly's phone is switched off but i can try to call M/C . I dailed her number.... hoping she would pick up.

I woke up , my head was hurting badly, it was blurry at first but then i could see properly. I tried to get up but i was tied to a chair. I was in the kitchen, Great.... i was thinking about lilly, did she get caught? I don't think so, i thought hopefully.  As i was deep in thought, the man came in , took a chair and sat in front of me. He removed his mask and was staring at me for sometime.

'Don't you think it's dangerous for you to be removing your mask? If i escape it would be very easy to find you.' I said breaking the silence.
'Who said you are going to escape? And besides i don't live in duskwood.'he said with a evil laugh.
'That's why i said if .' I replied.
'Well , it's okay to be hopeful but don't worry it's just the matter of time before you're dead.' He said.
'Why are you doing this?' I asked getting nervous.
'Well.... you don't suffer from poverty and you don't know anything about family issues. You all have it easy while some of us have to suffer. You people don't think about anyeone but yourselves. So why  not help a friend who is willing to give me monthly payments for doing their work.' He replied angrily.
'You mean dirty work.' I corrected him.
'Whatever, now you know  why i am here , go on and tell me why are you here?.' He asked curiously .
'Passing by , i would say.' I answered , he made a face.
'Do i look like an idiot to you?' He said annoyed with my reply . I nodded , that's when he stood up and went to the kitchen table , opening a drawer and taking a knife . Leaning against the table, staring at me. It sent shivers down my spine , it made me feel very nervous, suddenly my phone rang. He went to my stuff ,which was on the other side of the table. He picked it up and showed me who it was, it was jake......'You dare not speak.' He said to me and answered , he put it on loud speaker so i could hear the conversation.

'M/C, are you okay? Where are you? Where is lilly? Is she with you? Say something. ' Jake asked with a worried tone .
'M/C's safe, don't worry but not for long, i'm just waiting for a call to get her out of the picture.' He said while laughing a little.
'What have you done to her?' Jake asked angrily.
'Oh nothing serious .....yet. I just tied her to a chair and waiting for a call.  She'll be gone in no time, don't worry.' As soon as he said that, he cut the call and switched it off. He was walking around the room before a call came, he went out of the room and came back after a few minutes. The knife was still in his hand .
'Guess you're time is up.' He said while circling around the chair. I didn't reply. 'Any last wishes?' He asked stopping in front. I stayed quite.
'Well i guess no, what a pity.' He said while taking the knife and going at the back of my chair. He whispered into my ear,'Goodbye, sweetheart.' While grabbing my neck tightly with his left hand and made a huge cut. I could feel the blood coming out and the pain was bad. He was about to make an other cut, when i said ' I'll pay you double the amout he is paying.' He stopped and  walked in front of me. 'And why would i believe you?' He asked, ' do you want the money or not?' I asked , Ignoring his question. 'Let me think 2000 dollars a month. That would make 4000 .' He said. 'Right , 4000 dollars a month, what do you say?' I asked nervously. He thought for a while and then coming to the chair, i thought he was going to continue, as i closed my eyes tightly . But i felt my hands loosen , he was untying me. I stood up and went to my bag, took my phone  and transffered the money into his account, as promised. Without a moment to waste, he left the house. I went straight to the terrace door and opened it.  Lilly was staring at my neck , it was bad. Blood was flowing out , it was paining a lot . We both went to the living room and lilly immediately handed me a first aid box. I thanked her and went to the bathroom to clean it and with that we both left the house.  We drove to my house  in silence , we both did not dare to say or ask anything. I parked the car, while lilly waited for me. I guess i know the reason. She rang the doorbell,'he is going to be mad.' She said , but before i could respond. The door opened and jake stood there staring at us.....

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