Chapter 17

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It had been an hour since Alan had interrogated me, i mean did they know that i am involved in Hannah's disappearance and her best friend. Was her best friend? I mean if  we  hannah and all, then what? Are we going to stay friends ? One thing's for sure that no matter what jessey would definitely be in touch with me. I had no doubt about that. But what about hannah herself, i mean i was her bestfriend but i think cleo has replaced me by now. But still...... i-

My thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and Ashley walking in with Jeremy, lilly and jake.

'Okay, if you need something just call me.' Ashley said heading to the door. I nodded. She went out and closed the door.

'Hey guys......' i said like nothing had happened. I know they were mad, really mad.

'Don't 'hey guys'. You know how worried we were.' Jeremy snapped. He was pissed off. There was pure anger and madness with a large amount of concern  was written in his face.

'It was not that bad.....' i replied. Now i was not  so curious to meet them at all. I mean they're worried i know but still.

'Not bad ,you almost died.' Now it was Jake's turn to speak. Great..... i'm enjoying this. Who knew spending time with family and friends would be this exciting.

'True but on the bright side I'm alive.' I replied.

'What if things turned out different? What if-'

'Don't go there, I'm at least alive, so why waste our time on arguing nonsense. ' i intrupted, i mean they're worried i get it but still.  I really don't want to  hear any of that.

Jake was about to say something when lilly cut him off. 'Can't we just talk normally? She's not going to listen to us anyway, we're just wasting our time and energy.' I mean it's true so I'll give her a point for that.

'Can you bring me some food?' I asked. Jeremy nodded and went to the door. Now it was only lilly , jake and i left. Hmmm..... silence surrounded the room now.

'Do you mind going out for some time? i want to talk to jake in private.' She nodded and went out. Now another round of silence.

Jake's POV

After lilly went out, we just stared at each other for sometime until i broke it.

'What did you want to talk about?' I asked, she smiled and gestured me to sit down. I went to the chair nearby and sat.

'How was your stay?' She questioned. I raised an eyebrow. What does that mean?

'It was..... something.' She nodded and silence again. It was not an awkward kind of silence it was clear that both of us were just.... thinking?

'What about the police?' , ' The police came here.' We said at same time. And we both chuckled a bit before she started to talk.

'They came, well only Alan and another officer, i mean.' I nodded. 'They had a slightly different story than mine....' i frowned a bit at that. 'What do you mean?'

'Well.... ' she started. She started to explain everything about why the police interrogated her and all. But even i was supprised at how the kidnnaper is changing his ways. I mean he usually only uses threats and now it was getting serious. It had only been a month and a half.... and attacks have already started.

What are we going to do? I sighed and looked up to see her smiling. How can she smile in a time like this? I hadn't realised that i was glaring at her.

'I was thinking about my mother if you're wondering why i'm smiling.' She said reading my mind somehow. I nodded. It was really sad, i didn't know what to say or think. She was close to her mother and the fact that the thought of her is making her smile is...... something.

'What are you going to do about your phone?' I asked remembering the smashed and the data would most likely be lost as well.

'I have all my messages and chats on my computer and the cloud is also on it.' I nodded.

Just then jeremy entered with a tray of food and kept it on the side table. 'We have to go, the nurse said she needs to rest and that she'll be dischared this week.' He said looking at me, i got up and stared following him to the door. 'We'll come meet you tomorrow. ' he added and closed the door.


The week passed by quickly, i had a lot of free time, so i used it for cloud hacking and just wasting my time on YouTube. Jeremy had bought my laptop and a new phone for me. My, how thankful i was, the group was extremely worried about me and the moment i opened the chat, 120 messages..... great.

Now i was getting dischared tomorrow, and the doctors told me to rest for another a week or two. Phew... now all i had to do was sleep and tomorrow I'll be back in my room.  I closed my eyes and slept peacefully.


Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now