Chapter 34

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M/c's POV

I opened my eyes, everything was a blur. My body felt like someone had stabbed me repeatedly. My head span, I felt like I was being moved, there was a bump and my body jumped. My back hurted like hell. I heard someone say something but my eyes gave up on me and everything was blank again.


Jake's POV

Ten days... It's been ten days and yet she hasn't woken up, she hasn't moved, not even an inch. That made me even more worried about that. My thoughts were once again a mess, my mind was not helping me at all. Different scenarios were running through and I didn't want any of them to come true. My eyes were getting wet now. This would be the first time i would cry in along time but the tears didn't come out.

"Take some rest, I'll be here till then." Alex said, entering the room. "You haven't got out of this room for ten days straight." He stated, I shook my head again. "Your choice, jake. Anyway, how is she? What did the doctor say?"

"He said that she is still very weak and since she had lost alot of blood, her recovery is slow." I replied, looking at her, she was peacefully sleeping, looking calm as ever.

"I see... And Hannah has woken up, the police have visited her. She says she wants to talk to you." He said, at least something good has happened. "She says she wants to meet you now. It's important, go. I'll stay here and I'm not taking no for an answer." I sighed and got up from the chair. I went to the door and was about to get out when Alex spoke. "You really like her, don't you?" I turned around and gave him a confused look.

"Is it that obvious?" I asked. He nodded and I got out.

I walked through the crowded hallways, pushing through some people while they give me death glares. I couldn't care less. I stopped in front of Hannah's room and took a deep breath before entering. She was eating her meal while Lilly was talking with her.

"Jake... Come in" she greeted with a smile to which I returned. "Do you mind going out, Lilly?" Lilly nodded and went out while i seated.

"How are you feeling?" I asked. She didn't look so good, there were bags under her eyes and she was very pale. Her body was looking very weak.

"I'm feeling better, just some weakness." She replied, i nodded. "Thank you." She started with a smile. "For saving me, i owe you a huge favor." She added.

"Well, i'm not the only one who you should thank, the group and M/c helped alot too. And Alex of course."

"True but you were the one who started it." Before i could say anything, she turned and took a bag from nearby table and gave it to me. "Do you mind burning these? I don't want to keep them, they remind me of everything that has happened until now." She said giving the bag to me.

"Uh... sure? But what is this?" I questioned curiously.

"Open it." I raised an eyebrow but opened it anyway. There were some books and the box with the emarald. Some papers and other things. One thing caught my eye. A note with a raven feather stuck to it. I opened it.

'You will follow as i say otherwise you know what will happen...'

It read. Before i could ask, she replied.

"One of the threats from... you know who. That's how the dairy contained different dates and the bridge and my attic was all a trap, you guys fell for it but thankfully everything turned out all right." I nodded again, still i couldn't believe it that Mr. Frank was... him. I never expected it, to be completely honest. "How is she?"


"M/C? How is she?"

"Lost alot of blood and is still weak. Doctors said her recovery would be very slow." I repeated what i said to Alex some minutes ago. She didn't say anything, silence filled the room. "What happened that night... when Jennifer died?" I asked hesitating alittle.

"Many things jake... he killed her in front of our eyes and put the body on the road and a car went over her. He let us go and threatened us to not say a word. After that he caused M/C's car accident in which according to him was supposed to be her last car ride but she survived. For us, he tortured us. He would call Amy and i at night, just to threaten us and lock us till morning. But when we decided to tell the police, he took the next step. Somehow, i contacted Alex and you know how that went..."

I was shocked by how cruel he had been... he didn't look like that and no one would have even believed it. The news definitely spread across Duskwood and now everyone knew it. There was a knock on the door. The door opened and the whole group came in, exchanging greetings with Hannah. Thomas and cleo were the first to come and hug her while the others waited impatiently. The room was now anything but silent.

"You must be hackerman? What was your name again? Jack?" Dan spoke with a high voice after everyone had greeted her but before i could reply, a nurse came in.

"On my! Not more than two visitors at a time. Only two stay, the rest get out. The patient needs some rest." The nurse demanded while the group gave some 'what?' And 'why?' The nurse eventually got everyone out except thomas.

"I should probably go." I said getting up while both of them nodded. I got out of the room, awkward I'd say.



I opened my eyes and everything was a blur. My body was in pain but i felt better, somehow. My body felt numb. I was hungry and thristy. The only thing i could see was the ceiling. My head was aching but i felt better. I moved alittle and looked around to see jake sleeping peacefully in a chair while holding my hand. I smiled and slowly moved my hand, trying not to wake him up. Man, i was thristy. I tried to reach the glass on the table only to make it fall on the ground. Now, glass peices were on the ground. Of course, the sound was enough to wake jake up. As soon as he saw me, his eyes widened.

"Are you okay? What happened? Do you need something? I'll get the doctor. " he blurted getting up.

"Jake, I'm fine. Can you give me some water?" I asked trying to get up but i couldn't.

"Don't push yourself. " jake stated and put some water in my mouth. "I'll go bring some body."

After that, he went out and came back with some doctors and for the next hour or two i was continuously getting tests.


I hope you liked it! Have a great day/night!

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