Chapter 24

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Inhaling, i pressed the doorbell. I heard 3 clicks and the door opened halfway and Alex peeked his head out and realised a relief sigh and opened it fully. The moment he stepped outside, i went forward and hugged him tightly. Startled, it took him a second to return the hug.

'I'm so glad you're okay....' i whispered lowly, not sure if he heard me.

'Well, you can't get rid of me that easily and even if i died I'd come and haunt you in your sleep.' He joked.

'On the second thought, I'm not.' I replied breaking the hug.

'But we both know you are.....' he smirked and i just shook my head. I know from the bottom of my heart, what he said was true. I didn't have alot of friends growing up, all the other parents saw me as an bad influence on their child but these guys they didn't and that meant the world to.

Lilly coughed and i turned to face her. Oh right..... i forgot they were standing there.

'So... what are you guys doing here?' Alex questioned curiously, i raised an eyebrow. What did mean doing here?

'You got attacked.' I said frowning, he nodded. I sighed, talking to him wasn't going anywhere.' Are you hurt?' He shook his head and held his right hand up for us to see. The wrist was bandaged really.... let's say badly. 
'That's not bandaged right, you'll get an infection if you don't treat it properly.' I said annoyed. He shrugged saying.

'At this point i really don't care at all.' What was i expecting? It was alex after all.

'You should, now come on.' I said dragging him inside the house. Not even caring to ask permission from him.

'It's not even your house, your trespassing. And the living room is that way. ' he said pointing to the left, i was confused, then i remembered jake and lilly were here too. I saw one of them nodding and both disappeared through a door.

'So where is your bathroom?' I asked, he pointed at a door and i again dragged him in there. Now, i was annoyed. 'Can you please stop acting like this.' I said sternly, he obeyed and led me to  the bathroom.

The bathroom was a mess. The sink had some stains of blood and there were tissues piled at a side , most of them red. A small cloth half covered in..... you know. Blood, was on the floor. I looked at him ,he just shrugged.

He walked to the sink while i took some tissues and went towards him. I stood infront of the sink, wiping the stains for awhile before it disappeared. I then washed my hands with some soap and wiped my hands with a clean tissue. I took his hand and removed the old bandage , then i soaked a cloth with water and wiped the cut gently. It was indeed a huge and deep cut. I presssed it gently and some blood came out, i wiped it and put some antiseptic cream and bandaged it neatly. And cleaned the place before washing my hands.

Suprisingly, Alex was quiet all along, he didn't make any jokes or tease me. That was very weird of him, i looked up and saw him staring. I looked in his direction and saw his ring. The emerald one, it was dark green in colour, sometimes about it made me feel guilty and bad.

'Iris....' he whispered, i looked back at him and we made a direct eye contact. I raised an eyebrow and he sighed.' She wants to meet you....' i flinched in suprise, i was definitely not expecting that. 'She has something to tell you.' He added. I didn't respond, i looked away, he shook his head and smirked. 'Hannah and i went to her house a day or two before she disappeared, iris said she wanted to meet "you". ' he ended while making some imaginary apostrophes for you .

'Well.... iris does like me.' I joked and sticked my tongue out. He shook his head and said.

'Eceryone likes you.'

'Nah... you don't.' I joked again but his face turned all serious.

'You think i don't.... like you?'  He asked hesitating. I shook my head and smiled at him.

'It was a joke.'

'It better be.' He said sternly. That creeped me out a little.

We both went out of the bathroom and made our way to the living room in silence. Jake and lilly were sitting on the couch,talking they stopped  after they saw us.

'So... can we leave?' Lilly asked, i nodded. Both of them got up from the couch and streched a bit.

'Wait.... are you guys going to M/C's house?' Alex questioned, i nodded again. He shook his head and i frowned in confusion.' It's almost dark outside , it's dangerous.'

'It's okay, there are 3 of us so it's alright. '

'No , it's not. I would have let you stay here but my father wants me to stay at his place today.'

'It's like 20 or 30 minutes away.'


'My house is near, we can stay there.' Lilly interupted out of of the blue. I looked at jake, he nodded and i just shrugged.

'That's much better and now if you guys don't mind please get out of the house so i can lock it.' We all went out, jake and lilly went to sit in the car while i stayed with alex until he locked the door.

'Okay, I'll catch you later.' He said and turned around to walk but i grabbed his arm. He turned back in confusion.

'Where are you going?' I asked.

'Have you gotten a brain fuse all of a sudden? To my dad's.'

'No... we're driving you, if you think 3 people going together  is dangerous then what do you think going alone is?' He opened his mouth to say something but  i dragged him towards the car. I heard him mutter something under his breath which i couldn't hear. We both sat in the back and jake started to drive. Alex was giving some directions of how to go to his father's house while lilly was on her phone, so i just stared out of the window. After sometime, jake stopped the car and alex got out, he walked to the door and pressed the doorbell. The door opened, he turned and gave us a wave and went inside. And now we were driving towards Lilly's house.

Hope you liked it!!! Sorry for the delay.

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