Chapter 30

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'You'll see...' what does that even mean? 'What did iris say?' He asked turning his head to me.

'Hannah wanted to meet up with Ted madruga, he was one of the main workers in Misphel.' I answered leaning on the seat and closing my eyes.

'Why would she want to meet up? Then why did she meet iris?' He questioned turning his attention to the road again.

'Iris said that hannah told her that it was the same man who killed Jennifer. She also told the police chief about her suspicion but they said that they had caught that man. Hannah wanted to clarify that, so she went to visit her with alex.' I explained. At that moment the car stopped, i looked around to see nothing but trees. I glanced at jake with confusion, he ignored it and got out of the car.

'Jake? Where are we?' I asked getting out and closing the door. 'I thought we were going to collvile?' I added

'Yes, we are M/c but not now.' He answered.  What does he mean by 'not now'?

'I don't understand? Where are we jake? There is nothing but trees here? I don't see any buildings or houses. Jake?'

Jake's POV

'Okay, listen M/c. What i'm about to tell you will sound crazy but you have to believe me? Okay?' I replied with a sigh.

'Jake, we are stuck in the middle of nowhere and there's a killer on loose who has kidnapped your half sister and my best friend who i don't even remember. What's more crazy than that?'

M/c's POV


'That this is the right time.' A familiar voice spoke behind me. I turned around and great... who do i see? Alex. I raised an eyebrow with confusion.

'Can anyone please explain what is going on?' I asked.

'This feels like deja vù to me.' He joked and let out a small laugh. If i had something to hit him, i definitely would. 'Okay, listen. Jake and i know eachother from the start, we knew eachother before you and the reason why we didn't tell you is because w-'

'Is because if we did, you would never be here and we found out who is behind Hannah's kidnapping, Jennifer's murder and Amy's murder.' Another familiar voice spoke, i turned my head to the side to see Jasper.

'And the company and him taking me was all a fake plan to get you here. But Misphel's 4 loans is true, this is where it used to be.' How many familiar voices am i hearing?  I turned my head again. Now it's Lilly's turn i see, who's next Jeremy? Ulric baret? Uncle frank? Wait... is hannah's kidnapping a real one? Or is it just them suprising me for my birthday? To say that i was suprised is an understatement.

'Come we'll explain more when we get inside.' Jake added, i stayed silent and followed them through the trees. Nobody spoke, all we could hear was the leaves rustling. After walking through the forest for sometime, we came infront of a old building. The walls were covered in creepers and small leaves. It was huge but it looked very weird.

'Here we are... Misphel.' Alex said.

After 2 hour...

'Where are you going?' Jake asked.

'For a walk, i need to clear my head.' I answered, after the news i received, i have no clue what i should and should not believe.

'I'll come with you.' He added.

'No, jake. I need some alone time, i just found out something i never should have! Please, just please this one time, leave me alone.' I pleaded, He sighed and nodded.

'Here take this, if you lost your way, you can find the building using this device and take this flash light too.' He said and handed me a small square device and a flash light. I turned around and was about to leave. 'You forgot to take your phone.'

'Jake, even if i take my phone, what's the use? There will be no frequency and i'm just going for a walk. I'll be fine.' I replied, he sighed and nodded.

It had been about 20 mins since I've started my walk, till now everything was fine except my head. It was overthinking ALOT. I still can't believe they lied to me about such a huge thing.

An hour before

'Listen, the whole company thing and alex not being in the group chat to Lilly's kidnapping was a lie we made.'
Alex said.

'Why? How? What?' I questioned shocked, i didn't find any other words for it... this was all a ... lie?

'Let's start from the beginning, when your car accident happened, jake had reached out to me and since i was also looking into Hannah's case, i tagged along. Lilly found out everything when jake idiotically answered my phone and put it on loud speaker  and lilly overheard our conversation. So, we had to explain it to her and she was the one who introduced Jasper to us and we planned this whole company and Lilly's kidnapping thing so we could get you here. However,  jasper here has been keeping an eye out for our main suspect which I'm not gonna say, sorry and we found evidence that he was the one who killed Jennifer and amy and kidnapped hannah. Now, for the plan to work out, we can't say who the suspect is, so he won't suspect us. So, the best way was this. Understood?' Alex explained.

'Besides that everything is true?' I asked a little angry at them. He nodded.

'Listen... m/c... we can ex-'  he started.

'You don't have to. ' i snapped.

My legs were hurting like madly, i sat down under a tree. It had been atleast half an hour and now it was getting dark, i decided to go back and got up, only to find i was completely lost in the middle of nowhere. The only thing in sight was.... trees, trees and.... trees.
Luckily, jake gave me the device. I took it out and turned it on. A green dot appeared on the screen which was me and a red dot which was the house... building, whatever it was. But it would definitely take sometime as i was some miles away.

I had covered some distance but there was still some to cover. It was getting a little dark and the sun was slowly setting in. Slowly there wasn't even a sight of light. I took out the flashlight that jake gave me, if i should do something after reaching the house, it would be thanking him. I switched it on and was about to go my way but i heard a sound.

'Hello? Is anybody there?' I said, looking around but only my low echo came back. It must have been my own imagination. I turned around to go and when i took the next step. A loud voice came and the ground below me just vanished and my whole body was hurting from the impact. I tried to get up but my eyes slowly closed...

I hope you liked it and i really apologise for the delay. 😅 have a nice day/night <3

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now