Chapter 5

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It was 7 in the morning when i woke up but it was too early to go to Hannah's apartment and besides lilly doesn't wake up till 9 on weekends. So i had two hours, so i decided to take a bath and cook breakfast. I mean that's the normal routine of someone, i sitll had time, so i decided to take a walk . I went out and started walking around, after about ten minutes, i hear my phone ring, it was jake. Surprised at his call, i answered.

'Where are you?' He asked with a worried tone .
'I am taking a walk. Why?'
'Oh..ok, you were not in your room and i was worried that something happened. ' he replied, with a relieved sigh.
'Don't worry, the kidnapper would bring me back in an hour, if i got kidnapped.' I said jokingly
'You never change, do you?'
'No, but it's true.'
'Yeah, yeah...' he said laughing
'Is lilly awake yet?' I questioned suddenly
'Yes, she just woke up and is eating her breakfast, why?'
'No reason, i am going to come home, I'll talk to you later, bye.'
'Ok, bye.'

Jake's POV

I just called M/C , she was taking a walk. I wonder why she askedme about lilly? Maybe they were about to hang out? Or just curious? Well whatever it was i don't think it'll end up good, but lilly will tell me if they were finding something, right? Of course she would, she's my half sister. I guess maybe i was just over thinking it.

I came back home, to find lilly waiting for me with her arms crossed and giving me a mad look.

'Hey, is everything ok?' I asked
'You're late and you told me to get ready fast.'
'Sorry, i just wanted to take a walk , we can leave now, come on.'

We left the house, i started to drive and we were talking about the plan. And we didnt notice how the time passed but in no time we were in front of Hannah's apartment. Lilly opened the door and we went in.

'What are we supposed to find here, anyway?' She asked curiously
'A dairy that hannah mentioned in the box, i told you that , don't you remember?' I replied
'Yeah i do but hannah never had a dairy, she wasn't the type who would write everything in.'
'Yes , i know for sure.' She said nodding.
'Ok , we'll find out and by the way do you know where the attic is?'
'Yes but i don't think you'll find anything there.' She said while leading the way. I followed her , it was a small door and had an old fashioned lock on it. I took out the key from my bag and opened it, i went inside and lilly followed. It was very clean and had fairy lights and a window seat. There were five large boxes, each had the name of the things in the box. Lilly looked at me and said

'Let me guess, you are going to look in these boxes to find the dairy?'
'You know me too well. Now help me with it.'

She nodded and we opened the box with the name 'personal stuff' on it. There was a album and some scrapbooks and a jewellery box with a green emerald on the top which made shivers down my spine , remembering about the bracelet. And at the bottom of the box we found a dairy. I took it and put it in my bag , with the album and the box. While lilly was still exploring the box, i went to the window seat and sat down. I was thinking about something and i saw a car stop at the front of the house, a man with a mask, comes out of the car and i see that he was coming to the front door. Without a moment to waste, i took Lilly's hand and took her to the terrace and took the key from her hands , opened it and pushed her inside with the bag while she was asking so many questions which i did not have time to answer. Before locking the door,' Don't make any noise and stay quite, and if i don't come and open the door within 20 minutes or more, you know what to do. Keep that bag safe.' I said while locking the and i could tell that she was scared. I heard the door open and i forgot that i didn't lock the attic, i slowly went up the stairs and locked it while the man was in the kitchen, i slowly peeked in and saw that he was holding a bag , it looked a little weird but what i didn't know was i forgot to turn my phone off. It rang and i turned it off without seeing who it was but i kbew i had to hide , so i went to Hannah's room which was next to the kitchen and hid in the closet. The man became aware about that someone was in the house and came in the room , i was looking from the closet through a little space, i had left open to see. I saw the man coming towards the closet slowly, i knew i was not going to escape easily. So i took out my phone and messaged the one person i could think of, jake.

'If i don't reply to this after an hour or two , call lilly.'

The door opened suddenly.......

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