Chapter 19

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'Hello M/C' the voice said, jake and lilly turned to see who it was.

'Hello..... Alex.' I said, having my memory back , even if it was a little....  i remembered how we used to hang out before any of it happened. Jennifer, Amy , Alex , Hannah and i, used to go to our secret house and play games and do all sort of stuff there.

I looked at lilly and jake , they were frowning.  Of course, they don't know about any of this and they just stared at Alex.

'We'll explain everything but first let's get to a safe place.'  He said, gesturing to follow him. Lilly was the first to go while jake hesitated a bit. I patted him on the shoulder and followed them. I heard him getting closer....

'You know i don't have a good feeling about this. ' he said coming next to me.

'But i do.' I replied truthfully.  He sighed and stopped. Alex was leaning on the car, tapping his foot. He looked at us and moved his head towards the car, very us to sit. I went and sat in the passenger seat while jake was at the back with lilly. Alex started to drive and the car was quiet for awhile.

'Did you bring the things?' Alex asked, glancing sideways, i nodded.

'We are still here you know?' Lilly reminded.

'Yes, you are. M/C ,would you do the honour?' I nodded again.

'Well....' i started. 'You guys know that hannah and i were friends, right?' They nodded. Now how should I continue? I thought for a while. I was about to speak when alex interrupted.

'She and hannah have seen jennifer die, is everyone clear?' He said. Now their eyes widened and lilly's mouth dropped.

'I don't think that's the right way to put it...' i said nervously.

'Fine, then you continue. ' he replied with a smirk.

'Gladly.  Okay, where do we start?' I thought for a minute. ' You know Amy , right? The body of the girl.' They nodded. 'Well... hannah, amy, Jennifer and i were friends.' I added.

Jake 's POV

My brain span as soon as she said that.... what? Hannah and M/C  had seen the muder happened in front of their eyes. And on top of that they were friends....

'What about me? I was in the group?' Alex questioned.

'No, you weren't. We only added you to stop annoying us.' She answered with a smirk.

'That's okay...... i guess since i wasn't in  the group , i can't get to our secret house.

'I was joking.How far are we anyway?'

'5 minutes. '

'Guys?' I said.

'Oh sorry ... we forgot. anyway ..... we all met online on some website, and since we were all in duskwood, we decided to meet. After we met, we decided to have like a group or something? And we designed our own jewellery for it. Can you show us that ? If you have it ofcourse.' He said looking at M/C. She nodded and took a box out of her bag. She opened the box and stared at it. Then she looked at alex.

'You're ring is not here and Amy's pendant.' She asked sadly.

'I have my ring with me, i wear it all the time and Amy's pendant, i don't have it....' he replied as the same tone as her.

'Ok, and that's were Jennifer's bracelet comes in , right?' Lilly interupted.  Both of them nodded.

'Okay.... if Jennifer had a bracelet , amy had a pendant , alex has a ring then what did you and hannah have?' I asked.

Where past is forgotten ( A Duskwood Fanfiction) Female M/CWhere stories live. Discover now