Chapter 23

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'Alex? Are you there? Alex?' I screamed at my phone, tears forming in my eyes ,my hands shaking from fear, my breathing was irregular and my heart beating faster. What if...... what if Alex was.... gone? No..... no, think positive thoughts...... only positive........ no.... alex.

My heart raced  like i was back from running a marathon but this is no joke. Lilly and jake were saying something which i obviously didn't hear. Jake was in front of me trying to calm me down but that didn't work, lilly said something about Jeremy and went out of the room. I heard jake saying something again.

I gulped and i found myself breathing heavy, i put my hand on  my chest and took some breaths but i couldn't feel the air going in. I opened my mouth and tried to take in some air , it only helped a little but i was still panting hard. Tears were running down my face now, my mind was throwing the most horrible things i can ever think of . And alex....... if something hap- .... my breathing was again heavy, this time i couldn't breathe at all.

'M/C......' i heard jake say, i looked up at him, he was staring at me intensely. Our eyes met for a minute but then i started panting harder and harder, it was difficult for me to breathe even for a second.'M/C.... look at me.' I lift my head, still finding it hard to take the air in. 'Shh.... shh... that's it..... breathe..... in and out. In..... out..... in.... out...' he repeated while doing the same thing. I followed what he said and i slowly started to stabilise but the tears were still flowing from my eyes. He put a strand of my hair behind my ear and held my head with both hands so that i could look directly at him. He wiped some of my tears and caressed my cheek with his thumb. His warm fingers touching my cold skin made  goosebumps appear. I found myself relaxing a bit by his touch, i took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Jake pulled me into a hug and caressed my back, i hugged him back tightly, still crying a little. He pulled back and wiped some of the tears that were coming out. I sniffed and lifted my head.

'Feeling better?' I nodded. 'Good.... cause tears don't look good on you.' I gave him a small grin.

'Thank you....' i said smiling, he shook his head and looked at me.

'No, don't say that...... you helped me more and i don't think this does it's justice.' This time i shook my head.

'No, it does.'


'Can you track Alex's phone?' I interrupted him, hoping for a yes from him.

'M/C...... i'

'Please?' He sighed and nodded. I gave him a grateful smile. 'But it would take time.....'

'How much time?'

'An hour or more if he has some kind of protection. '

'If he doesn't?'

'30 minutes or less.'

'Knowing alex he wouldn't have any...'

Jake nodded and got up and went out of the room.

Jake's POV

And..... done. My..... that took atleast 20 minutes, that's probaby the fastest I've ever done anything. I went to M/C's room, lilly was there too. M/C had a sad face while lilly was cheering her up. They both looked at me when i went in.

'Did you do it?' M/C asked hopefully, i nodded in response. 'Great.... I'll go change.' She said getting up from her bed.

'What do you mean change?' I asked but she had already closed the bathroom door. Lilly narrowed her eyes strangely to which i just shrugged.  M/C came out after sometime with new clothes and took her phone from her side table lilly and i were just looking at confused. She turned around and saw us staring at her.

'Why are you guys looking at me like that?' She asked frowning a little. Lilly and i glanced at each other and shrugged. 'Okay..... Come on. ' she said walking to the door.

'Where are you going?' Lilly questioned. She stopped walking and turned around to face us, she sighed and walked towards lilly and i and took our hands.

'Jake tracked Alex's location, we are going there.' She replied dragging us out of the door.

'M/C.....' i tried to speak but she cut me off. We were already near the door.

'I'm not taking no for an answer. ' she said wearing her shoes.  I wasn't giving her a no. She hurried out of the door, giving us a glance which kinda said 'Don't delay.'

'That girl can be really demanding.' Lilly muttered to which i chuckled. 'Don't laugh it's true and you should hurry up otherwise i don't think she'll be calm.'

'I'll go and take my laptop from my room...' i said making my way to my room. I took my laptop and went out of the house.

Alex's POV

'Guys? Can someone please tell me what g-' i got interupted by a loud thud from my back, i turned around and saw a flying whatever of glass coming towards me, i dodged it by moving to the side. In a second or two, i heard the glass shattering while my eyes tightly shut. There was terrible sting in my right hand which was now covered in blood with a small but a very sharp peice of glass standing upwards on my wrist.Gladly, there wasn't anyone on the  street and my house was just around the corner. I held my right wrist tightly which only made more blood to come out, i slowly pulled the glass and threw it on the floor and rushed towards my house.

I opened my front door with difficulty and went in and shut it with atleast 3 locks. Many would call me paranoid but i don't think i would like a murderer just breaking my door and roaming around, now nobody would want that. Ok, jokes aside... my hand is paining like bad..... i made my way to the bathroom and took the bandages out.


Lilly was driving, jake was navigating and me..... good question. I was worrying. We were 5 minutes away from the location, i really  hope Alex is safe......

We got to the place, lilly stopped the car and we all got out. We looked around and saw nothing..... suspicious.

'Is this the correct location.' I asked him.Jake glanced at his laptop again and nodded in response.

Just then a lady came out of an alleyway behind us, we startled a bit and she flinched.

'Who are you all? ' she asked curiously. I looked at lilly before answering.

'We actually came to visit one of our friends but we don't know where he lives. '

'Okay..... do you know their name or address or something?'

'Yes, Alex. Alex bloomgate.'

'Oh..... follow me.' With that she started to walk forward and she took a left turn, we followed her without saying a word when she pointed at a house. 'This is his house, i saw him like hurrying towards his house, sometime before you came. '

'Thank you.' She nodded. 'But just so you know, be careful. I saw someone throwing a ball of glass or whatever it was, at him while he was talking on the phone, he dropped his phone and hurried to his house.' With that she left, i don't know if i should feel relieved or not. We opened the gate and walked in, i stood infront of the door. Inhaling, i pressed the door bell.


Hello everyone!!! I'm so sorry about the delay, i was busy with classes and all. I didn't expect it would take me this long to write this. Hope you liked it and have a good day/night. Love you all❤❤

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