Chapter 9

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I went to my room and locked my door, i couldn't handle it anymore,the thought of my mother made me cry so hard. Every memory i spent with her, came back to me, they were running  through my head. I sat on my bed, thinking absolutely nothing. I had a rollicking  headache, i had stopped crying because of that. Otherwise I would have gone for hours, i think...
I thought it was best if i had a paracetamol and went to sleep for sometime. After having it, i lay in bed, but i couldn't sleep. I turned many times, but still i was sleepless. After a while, i was asleep.

Everything was dark, suddenly i saw a small light coming my way. But instead of coming my way, the whole room shone. I looked around, it was my own house, it was covered in dust, there was a trail of blood , going to my parent's room. I followed the trail, it ended in their bathroom sink. I was about to leave but someone grabed my neck and started choking me, i couldn't breathe.

I woke up, i was breathing heavily and i was covered in sweat. I checked my phone, it was 1 in the morning. I was hungry, i went to the kitchen, made my self some toast and went to my room. My phone beeped , i picked it up to see who it was.

Hello M/C.
I heard some noise downstairs. Was it you?


How are you?

Fine. You?

You really think I'll believe that? Tell me, how are you really?

I said i'm fine.
Pls leave it at that.

Ok. What are you doing?

Nothing really. You?

Do you mind if i come to your room?

No problem. Why?

Well... my persuers are mostly targeting you, they have tried to get into your phone more than 5 times today. So i wanted to put an extra system, just in case.

Ok. Come down.

I'll be there in a minute.

Jake's POV

I took my laptop and a pendrive, and went downstairs. I knocked and she opened the door. She looked like she had been crying, her eyes were bloodshot. She gave me a smile and gestured to come in. I went in and sat on the chair, and opened my laptop. She sat beside me, her eyes were fully on the screen.
'Do you need my phone?' She asked weakly. I nodded. She gave me her phone and in the matter of 5 minutes, the system was in her phone. We stayed silent the whole time. There was nothing to talk about, a lot happened today, from her being to Hannah's apartment to her  family visiting her.
'What are you planning to do?' I asked. She looked at me.
'You know?' She asked, while i nodded.
'I knew it before you. Jeremy didn't want to tell you because.... You know the reason. ' i said. She stayed silent.
'I'm sorry about your mother.' I said, she gave me a smile but her eyes were watery.
'Do you want to talk?' I asked, she shook her head. I hugged her, even though I didn't know why, but i am glad i did because she started crying. I pulled back to see her wiping the tears.

M/C 's POV

I was crying like an idiot, i could tell it was uncomfortable for him. He was not used to this, but it was the hug that made me cry, i got my mother's memories, mostly because she was the one who talked to me when something goes wrong. I wanted to say something but i couldn't find my voice. It was like it was my first time speaking. 'I'm sorry ' i said still crying.  I looked at jake who was staring at me. 'Why are you sorry?' He asked putting his hand on my cheeks. 'Because i....i...don't  know.' I replied.  'Don't be sorry for the things that others did.' He said while getting closer, i completely froze but i didn't move back. There was just a small gap between our lips, that was closed in no time. At that moment my mind didn't worry or stress about anything. I was lost in our own world. The kiss was gentle and soft, there were butterflies in stomach  and my heart was beating fast.I put my one of my hands behind his neck and while i do that he pulled apart for some air. 'It looks like you're feeling better. ' he said smirking. I didn't need to reply to that, i just kissed him back which suprised him.  After breaking again for air , ' yeah.' I replied. We were about to kiss again but his laptop started beeping, we turned to see what  it was. Great..... can't his persuers leave him alone. He turned to look into it and after about 5 minutes, the work was done. 'It's done.' He said turning to me.
'They can't leave you , even for a minute, can they?' I questioned, he shook his head before giving me a quick kiss. 'I'll give you some alone time now. I'm sure I've annoyed you enough. ' he said jokingly. 'Maybe you have.' I replied laughing, he shook his head and got up to leave. He took his things and went to the door, i followed . 'You never change, do you?' He asked, i shook my head and closed the door. My head was a bit clear, not a mess like before. Now i have to decide...... i knew what i was going to ask for the favor. And i was willing to give the apartment for it..... it was worth it.....

I know i said a big chapter but i got sick and didn't have time to do a big one. So hope you understand.

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