Chapter 38 : Pool

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- "Jane? I have something for you."

The brunette got out of her bed when she heard her aunt calling her. She looked at her mirror and noticed that the red marks on her neck were still visible. She hoped that, with the night, it would disappear. But that asshole apparently decided to mark her for life.

- "Jane?"

- "Give me a fucking minute!" Jane angrily answered.

The brunette needed to find something to hide her neck or Cassandra would ask her too many questions, and she was not in the mood for this. She put her leather jacket and tried to hide the red marks with her collar, hoping it would work. She got out of her room and joined her aunt in the living-room, trying to act normal. The woman frowned when she saw Jane wearing her leather jacket but didn't say anything.

- "Um...I thought a lot about what you said—"

- "I was drunk, you're taking too much importance to this!"

- "I'm just worried for you, and you talk more when you're drunk than when you're sober. So, I bought you a book."

Cassandra held out a yellow pocketbook to Jane who took it in her hands and frowned. The book was called How to control my anger.

- "Anger is the language of those who don't have enough words," she read. "Wow! So deep!"

- "I know you think it's stupid—"

- "Yeah, I do!"

- "But there is good advice in this book. I'm just trying..."

- "I know. I keep it, but I don't promise you to read it!"

- "Thank you," Cassandra smiled.

Jane placed the book in the inside pocket of her leather jacket at the level of her heart, knowing it would never leave this place. Cassandra moved her hand to Jane's neck, but the brunette quickly tapped her hand and walked inside her room again to get ready. She was spending her day at Bev's with some of her friends. She liked Bev's new house; it was so big! She went to it with her aunt for a diner with Bev's new family. It was a good night. She got ready, said goodbye to Cassandra, and left the apartment. She took the car and drove in direction of Bev's house. After a few minutes of ride, Bev opened the gate to let Jane park in the yard.

- "Hey, Jane!" Bev happily said.

- "Hey, Bev," Jane smiled.

The brunette barely had the time to get out of the car that Bev was already hugging her. Jane had an amused sigh. She was always surprised by Bev's excitement when she was around her. The redhead invited Jane to go inside with the others. There were only the boys who were all wearing swimming trunks and were in direction of the pool. Jane knew they were here for that, but she didn't care, she would stay on the patio in a deckchair to take some rest and empty her mind. She nodded to Lucas and Dustin who went to the pool before seeing Clara, Gabrielle, and Max arriving in the living-room in their summer swimsuits. Jane smirked and lightly blushed when she saw Gabrielle and Max like that.

- "You like the view?" Max said, raising an eyebrow.

- "Yeah, I do," Jane smirked.

- "What a little pervert," Clara said with an amused tone.

- "Okay, okay. I stop."

Clara chuckled before hugging Jane. Bev, Max, and Gabrielle smiled before joining the boys in the pool. Jane took this opportunity to ask:

- "Can I talk to you?"

- "Of course," Clara said, breaking the hug. "Is everything okay?"

- "Yeah, well, kinda. It's just...I...I was thinking that, I've lots of things in my mind lately, I don't always have time for everyone, and I really like you, and I think I'm trying...I'm trying to change some things, even if don't really know how to do that, and..."

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