Chapter 57 : The rumor

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A next school year was beginning. All the teens were arriving, their minds full of resolutions they wouldn't follow. Since this conversation Jane had with Max at Bev's, the brunette had ignored all of them, not wanting to see Max again. It became uncomfortable between them, and Jane wasn't understanding why the redhead was staying with this stupid hunk while she told her she would have given her a chance. Why was it too late? It wasn't making sense. But she couldn't force her to love her. So, she was trying to accept it. When she arrived in front of the building, she saw Max with dummy Gary a bit farther. None of them noticed her, so she kept walking. She really was trying to accept it, but it was still very complicated. She just wanted to smack his face when she was seeing him. She took a deep breathing before entering to building.

After a few steps, she realized that everyone was looking at her, but not in a friendly way. They kept murmuring things, some were even telling things like "monster", "asshole", or "how does she dare coming here after what she did". But what did she do? She had no idea. Maybe they learnt about Derek? It couldn't be possible. Why would they react only now? And nobody saw her anyway. She kept walking in direction of her locker, not supporting their eyes on her. On her way, she noticed a bunch of people around someone. Well, it was the Football team, the cheerleaders, and a few other people. Jane stopped and frowned in their direction. They all stopped talking before turning to her with angry faces. Alban ran to her and blocked her against a locker, his red face close to her. Before he could do anything, Troy intervened.

- "Calm down. We need to hear her version of the story too!" Troy said.

- "My version of the story!? What story!? What are you talking about!?" Jane asked, beginning to panic.

- "See by yourself!" Alban angrily answered.

The blonde teen threw Jane on the ground, in the middle of the crowd. The brunette raised her head before seeing Alexandra in tears. Jane frowned and stood.

- "Wait, you're all mad because I don't want her to be my sex-friend anymore!?"

- "Sex-friend!? Did you hear her tell you say "yes" before you forced her to have sex with you!? Dirty pussy!?" Abigail angrily said.

- "What!? I...I didn't force her to do anything! I'm not like that! Clara, tell them!"

- "I don't know what to think..." Clara answered with tears in her eyes.

Jane crumpled, not finding anything to say. She could see in everybody's eyes that nobody was believing her. Even Troy seemed to be doubtful which upset her a lot.

- "She makes a scene, and everybody swallows it!? I'm not, I'm not a rapist!" Jane angrily said.

- "Yeah!? Alex has another vision of that!" Alban replied.

- "She is faking because she didn't support that I didn't want to date her! She is throwing a tantrum because she doesn't support when someone says no to her, like every spoiled brat!"

- "And how did you react when she said no to your advances!?"

- "She didn't say no to my advances because I've never made advances to her!" Jane got angrier.

- "Nobody believes you, rapist! You easily lose your temper, don't you!? (Alban pushes her) You tried something with her, but she refused! (he pushes her again) You didn't like it, so you decided to have what you wanted anyway! (he pushes her) So you took her in a dark corner and covered her mouth to be sure no one would hear you abuse her!"

- "NO! NO! I didn't do anything to her!" Jane yelled.


The brunette was done talking and headbutted him. The boy lost his balance and reached his hand to his nose, bleeding. But Jane didn't have time to hurt him more. The others grabbed her and threw her on the ground before kicking her and punching her again and again, under the shocked eyes of Clara and Troy.

- "Stop! Stop! You're gonna kill her!" Clara intervened.

- "Enough guys! She got enough!" Troy firmly said.

The boy grabbed them and forced them to step away. The brunette was huddles, trying to protect her shaking body the best she could. Clara tried to help her to stand, but the brunette brutally rejected her.

- "Don't fucking touch me, hypocrite!" Jane told.

The brunette stood with difficulties, the blood running from her nose and lips. She looked at them with wet eyes before walking away, under the insults of everyone else. She was so focused on her nose that she didn't see the person in front of her and bumped into them.

- "Jane! What happened to you?" Joyce asked with a concerned tone.

The young girl wasn't able to answer, feeling the tears coming. Joyce grabbed her arm and took her to the nurse's office. She sat her in the chair before grabbing a tissue and pressing her nose. The woman managed to stop the blood running from the nose and cleaned the cuts of the young girl.

- "What happened?"

- "Nothing..."

- "Jane—"

- "I don't wanna talk about it...please."

Joyce pouted and nodded. She knew Jane wouldn't change her mind. But she would tell Cassandra about that, to let her know that something happened. When Joyce finished, Jane grabbed her bag and quickly left the school.

Meanwhile, in the classroom, Max and her friends began to talk all together, not knowing about all this situation. Bev looked at her watch and realized that Jane wasn't here, which worried her.

- "Is there one of you who has seen Jane this morning?"

- "...You haven't heard about the story?" Clara intervened.

- "What? What story?" Lucas frowned.

- "...Alexandra told us that Jane...forced her to have sex with her."

The group of friends remained silent, not expecting to hear that. They all wide opened their eyes, surprised before frowning at each other.

- "What?" Bev nervously chuckled. "Jane would never do something like that! That's ridiculous!"

- "You're sure of that? I mean, Jane is capable of lots of things..." Clara said.

- "Wait, you're believing that!? You know better than anyone how she is in bed! Did you ever feel unsafe with her!?"

- "...Not really. But I was always asking her to come, so I was consenting. But Alexandra..."

- "Alexandra is a compulsive liar who would do anything to have all the attention on her, even ruining someone's reputation! I can't believe you right now! Jane is our friend; we know she wouldn't do something like that!"

- "She is right! You should be ashamed, Clara!" Gabrielle intervened.

The brunette blushed of embarrassment before looking away. The group of friends was dazed by this new information. She hoped this rumor would die in a few days before people began to believe it, or it would become hell for Jane.

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