Chapter 50 : Shopping

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After that fright, Jane decided to spend her next day with no trouble. Cassandra proposed her to come with her and Joyce to hang in town. The brunette hesitated but accepted. She knew she had disappointed her aunt, so she was trying to make up for it. She knew her aunt wasn't trusting her anymore, and she couldn't blame her for that. She got ready and joined her aunt out of the building. The woman warmly smiled to her, happy that all of this was over. They took the car and drove to the mall where Joyce was. Will's mother happily took her friend in her arms and then Jane, surprising the young girl.

- "I'm glad Hopper managed to defend you," Joyce said.

- "Um, yeah...Me too," Jane answered, knowing the real reason of her freedom.

- "Let's go do some shopping! As I promised, I pay for everything. I just want you to have a relaxing day."

- "Joyce, I can't let you do—"

- "No, Cassandra, I don't wanna hear that. I promised you to pay, I will. Come on, let's go!"

The three women entered the mall with a smile on their faces. Cassandra was happy to have Jane with her. The brunette seemed to be happy to be here, it was pleasant to watch. They went to some shops of clothes first. Jane was walking behind the two women, looking at all the tee-shirts, jeans, jackets, and things like that.

- "You want something?" Joyce asked to Cassandra.

- "No, I don't need anything. But...if, maybe, you could buy one thing or two to Jane, it would make her day. And mine."

- "Of course. It was planned."

- "Thank you. I'll pay her some things too."

- "Stop with that. It's my way to apologize to you and her for the way I treated her. I won't buy her a car, don't worry, I just want to make both of you smile."

- "It's really nice of you. I'm sure she will appreciate," Cassandra smiled.

The two women turned their heads to watch Jane. The brunette was lost in her thoughts when she noticed the four eyes on her. She stopped and raised her eyebrows, not knowing if she did something bad or not.

- "Did you talk to me?" she asked.

- "No," Cassandra chuckled. "I'm happy you're here. Did you see something you like?"

- "I mean, yeah. The entire shop!"

- "I won't buy the entire shop," Joyce intervened with a light tone.

- "I know," Jane smiled. "I'm fine, I don't need all those things."

Cassandra knew Jane would never dare to ask something from Joyce. But they managed to convince the young girl to try some clothes. Like that, they would know what Jane liked or not. They made a few shops of clothes like that before going to a multimedia shop. Jane looked closely at all the CDs and video games as she had nothing to use them. She listened to the CDs in promotion, as she couldn't listen to new music because they didn't have any computer. Once all the shops done, Jane went outside the mall to wait for Joyce and Cassandra who had some things to do. She stood next to a bench and began to smoke, enjoying that day out of jail. She really got scared when they arrested her. She was sure she would meet Constance the next day in a cell and see her disappointed eyes. She waved at Cassandra and Joyce who just got out of the building when a motorbike with two persons on it brutally braked in front of her. The person at the back raised their arm and...


Jane felt projected while the motorbike was driving away. She hit the ground and heard her aunt scream of terror. The woman dropped the bags and ran to her niece before crouching next to her.

- "Stay with me! Jane!" the woman ordered with a panicked tone. "Come on, my baby, don't let me..."

Jane was out of breath. She was feeling dizzy. She hit her head in the impact, and she was feeling her skin throbbing at the level of her heart. Cassandra and Joyce were trying to stop the hemorrhage, but they couldn't find any blood. Jane weakly raised her right arm and moved it to her shoulder. After a few seconds, she took off a yellow pocketbook called How to control my anger with the bullet in it.

- "Your stupid book fucking saved my life!" Jane stated.

The two women wide opened their eyes before having a relieved laugh. Jane loudly exhaled and rubbed her face while her aunt leaned to her niece and placed her head against hers.

- "You'll have a big bruise," Joyce said. "You've been lucky!"

- "I know, I know. I'm sorry for ruining the day," Jane answered.

- "Don't be stupid, you didn't ruin anything! Those...idiots ruined everything! Do you know them?" Cassandra asked.

- "I...think I know who they are, yeah...I'll deal with them."

- "No, Jane, don't. Don't give them a chance to not miss you this time!"

- "If they learn I'm not dead, they'll try again! I'll take care of that, don't worry."

- "I guess I can't stop you!"

Jane pinched her lips together as an answer. Joyce and Cassandra helped the young girl to stand, enabling the aunt to take her niece in her arms for a tight hug.

After this moment, the two women decided to separate to go back home. They all had enough emotions for the day. Cassandra proposed Jane to spend a night watching TV and eating some burgers. The brunette accepted, but she had to do something before it. While Cassandra was preparing the night, Jane got out of the apartment in direction of the squat where the three teens who broke into houses with her were, a baseball bat in her hands. She entered with a confident walk, the baseball bat on her shoulder.

- "Yo!" she loudly said.

- "Jane!? You're not..."

- "Dead!? No, I guess you fucking missed me!"

Jane hit the table with the baseball bat, startling the teens and breaking their bottles. She kicked one of them who fell on the ground, punch another's throat, and hit the third one's legs with the bat. She blocked the leader with her foot on her throat and threatened her with the bat.

- "I didn't talk if it's what fears you. But next time you try to kill me, you better not miss me. Am I clear!? You have no idea what I'm capable of when people stabbed me in the back! Have fun in jail!"

Jane took off her foot from her throat and walked away while some cops were entering the squat. She didn't want to live with the fear to be killed at any moment, so she preferred calling Hopper to end this. And as she cooperated, she had less hours of community services to do. She was winning this time.

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