i do. [luwin]

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tmi // my 3rd sister got married yesterday (it was v short notice since she only got permission on the 7th) and boy, i forgot how tiring asian weddings could be TT


in retrospect, sicheng thinks it's stupid.

" I'm your deskmate now, but who knows? I might be your soulmate in the future ."

that line was horribly cringe-worthy and gross – not to mention lame. yukhei had said that the first day they met, when he transferred to sicheng's school senior year, and the teacher had told him to sit next to sicheng. he said it with the widest grin sicheng had ever seen in his life.

it was a terrible way to flirt. but now seven years later today, sicheng is anxiously pacing in his room with cold feet – in his finest suit; makeup and hair neatly done.

today is their wedding day.

" can't believe your relationship started from such an awful line ," ten says, sipping some bubbly champagne he manages to snatch from the kitchen in hope to calm sicheng down – but he's the only one who drinks it. " imagine telling that to your kids ."

" that is if they decide to adopt. I can't trust yukhei with kids ." xiaojun pipes in.

they're the ones sicheng's mom trusts enough to leave him with, but frankly speaking they don't really help to soothe sicheng's nerves. where the hell is kun?

sicheng bites his bottom lip. he hasn't seen yukhei since yesterday morning, and it makes him more nervous. " have you guys seen him today ?"

" no. hendery and yangyang went with him earlier. didn't you ?" ten asks back.

" impossible. you know mama's a die-hard-fan of traditions. said it's bad luck for the groom to see the bride on the wedding day ."

" none of you guys are a bride ." xiaojun points out with his brows furrowed. sicheng sighs, as if saying tell me about it.

putting his glass away, ten grins like the cheshire cat. " your mom just implied that she thinks you're the bottom. which you are ."

" you guys are not helping ."

sicheng sighs again. xiaojun and ten exchange a look, then the older rolls his eyes playfully before pulling sicheng to sit on the bed in between them. it's a nice contra – xiaojun and ten as the groomsmen are wearing black suits, while sicheng's in a pinkish-white one.

" sit down. you're not supposed to exercise twenty minutes before your wedding. you'd sweat and smell and then ruin your makeup ."

" ge ," xiaojun deadpans. " you suck at comforting someone who's about to get married ."

" what am I supposed to say? none of our friends are married !"

" you are ."

" none of you comforted me on my wedding. not even my sister. she even threatened to steal my groom ."

" I mean... I don't blame her. your husband's hot ."

" try me, bitch. I'll steal both of your boyfriends ."

in the midst of their argument, sicheng finds himself giggling. maybe due to the butterflies in his stomach or their dumb bicker. he can't decide, but at least it helps him relax a bit.

" you guys are the worst ." sicheng says with a fond voice. ten scoffs.

" you said that to us since fifth grade. lame ."

a wave of nostalgia hits sicheng out of the blue. they've been friends since high school, and went through everything together – they even (regrettably) witnessed each of yukhei's blunt-flirting with sicheng who always pushed him away.

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