roommates. [winil]

683 21 24

warning: crossdress.

it was surely an exhausting week for taeil. since the finals are around the corner, he had to attend more classes, do more assignments and revisions. if he fails this exam, he has to repeat the whole semester; which is the biggest nightmare of students.

being a major in architecture, his mind is filled with various designs of buildings and formulas he had to memorise. architecture is difficult because you have to look at all aspects possible, such as the cost and materials, or else your product will fail.

he became even more pressured considering the fact that all of his siblings passed their finals with flying colors. if he doesn't get the digit four on his gpa, surely his parents, family and relatives would find every way to make him feel bad about it.

he twisted his room's doorknob and opened the door. as he got in, he closed the door back and threw his rucksack by his shelf. his roommate wasn't there, and he shrugged it off. maybe he's still in class.

his roommate is a cute chinese who's three years younger than him, and he's a major in fashion. he's very likable and also talkative, which is the opposite of taeil's personality, but they clicked very well. in taeil's defense, he's just so lovable.

he's also openly gay and he loves to... cross-dress. he loves to wear skirts, crop tops and women's clothing. sure, there are a lot of people who judged him for that, but he gave no flying fucks. taeil never judged him for that though. the korean is 100% straight for sure, yet he admits that his roommate is really beautiful, especially when he cross-dress.

taeil lightly threw himself on his bed, letting out a slow sigh. he sunk his head into his pillow, as he felt his tiredness washing away from his body. he closes his eyes shut and tried to take a nap. luckily, he has no other classes for today or his whole body will feel worn out.

he managed to nap peacefully for a couple of minutes before the door creaks open. he adjusted his position and turned to the door. there he was, the said chinese.

dong sicheng, in his over-sized pink hoodie and black skirt, entering the room gorgeously like he was aphrodite. he flashed a warm smile at the older, and taeil smiled back half-heartedly. he closed the door after he got in and he put his bag by his study table.

taeil leaned against the wall and watched sicheng's every move as he began to zone out. he threw his head back and sighed again, louder this time. sicheng turned to him with a worried look.

" are you alright, hyung ?" he asked softly, genuinely concerned.

" I'm fine... just a little tired ."

the chinese sat next to him and cupped the older's cheeks. taeil lets out a dry chuckle, which worried sicheng even more. he examined the korean's facial features and frowned when he saw his eye bags.

but that's not a wonder. taeil had been sleeping late to do his assignments, and sometimes he won't sleep at all. he also skipped meals and eats junk food. that's why sicheng is worried for his roommate.

" you need to rest, hyung ." he tried to sound stern, but his adorable face failed him. " not just physically, but also mentally. you need something for you to relax ."

" I'm alright, sicheng, you don't have to mind about it ." taeil assured although it won't work.

the younger ignored his statement and leaned in closer. taeil gulped as they were really close, chests slightly touching against one another's, and he backed away. sicheng looked up to him and smirked subtly as he leaned in even closer.

his hands travelled down to taeil's chest, his delicate fingers rubbing against taeil's skin through the older's thin shirt. taeil's heartbeat was going crazy and he couldn't think straight, but then he managed to take a firm grip on the younger's arms.

" stop it, sicheng. I'm not gay. plus, you're seeing someone..." he whispered out.

sicheng leaned in closer to his neck, his hot breathe fanning taeil's bare skin. taeil could feel his cheeks burning red and shivers were sent down to his spine when sicheng spoke.

" shush, hyung. what happens in the dorm, stays in the dorm ." the younger whispered in his ear in a sinfully seducing voice, winking teasingly after.

then, he turned back to taeil and cupped his cheeks. they both stared at each other's brown orbs in the dark for a moment before sicheng leaned in and planted a kiss on taeil's beautiful lips.

taeil's mind went blank as he felt the younger's soft lips on his. he wanted to push sicheng away but at the same time, he doesn't want to. it all seemed right for a moment. he was feeling a jolt of spark— unsure of what it might be— but he was loving it.

and sicheng was right, he needed something to distract him from his finals. the thoughts of examination and disappointing his family flied away the second sicheng touched him. the possible worst case scenarios don't matter now that he had a taste of sicheng's cherry lips.

taeil lightly grabbed sicheng's head as he deepened the kiss. he won the dominance easily and he licked the younger's bottom lips, asking for permission before he slid his tongue into sicheng's mouth.

sicheng adjusted his position and now he was sitting on the older's laps. taeil's hands wrapped around his waist and he rested his hands on taeil's shoulders.

then, the younger's hands trailed down to his collarbone, to his chest, and finally to his thighs. sicheng could feel something growing up under him and he smirked. he broke the kiss slowly after and leaned his forehead against taeil's.

the older panted and a small smile left his lips. he was undoubtedly a straight man before, but now he's surely questioning his sexuality. sicheng kissed him again one more time before he spoke.

" you're finally relaxing, aren't you ?" the korean slowly nodded. " I told you, you needed it... now, do you want me to stop or we could –"

before the chinese could finish his words, taeil flipped over and pinned him on the bed. sicheng's face was blushing bright red but he was also smiling. he never knew taeil had a dominant side, but he also liked it.

" there's no way I'm stopping here. you have to finish what you started, baby boy ."

he leaned in to sicheng's chest and nibbled on his collarbone. sicheng gently took a grip on his head, biting his lips to prevent from letting out any sinful sounds. but then, he let out a moan when taeil bit his collarbone, leaving a love bite.

taeil went back to his roommate and smirked before connecting their lips once again. his left hand traveled down under sicheng's chest, then down to his skirt, giving a light squeeze on his crouch.

sicheng moaned one more time and taeil smirked again. he broke the kiss to take off his shirt, then helped sicheng to slide off his skirt. they kissed one more time before the older whispered in sicheng's ear with a raspy voice.

" you're going to help me relax real good, baby boy ~"


a/n: so... like... cringe? or is it okay? I don't knOW. I was sick when I wrote this. I should stop writing sinful stories smh

a friendly reminder to stay safe!!! 

y—you should always stay at home. IT'S SAFE!

u— use masks and hand sanitizers if you really have to go out.

t— touching is a big NO. (it's a win for skin-ships haters like me lmaooo)

a— always stay hydrated and eat a lot of fruits!

remember the yuta steps okay? ily all,, let's stay safe together 🐸💚

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