three isn't a crowd. [jaewinwoo]

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a/n: I love this trio sm :< and also I'm 100% a cat person (dogs are adorable though), don't @ me.


it's hard to have two boyfriends.

harder when one is human and the other is a hybrid — well, a cat hybrid at that. especially difficult when your hybrid boyfriend hates your human one for whatever reason (but then again cats are just assholes for no reason).

it happens to kim jungwoo; with his lovable heartthrob boyfriend jung jaehyun and asshole cat dong sicheng who lives up to his job as a cat.

" sicheng ~"

the mentioned man is taking a nap in his cat form on the couch, folded ears perk up when jungwoo calls for him. jungwoo crouches in front of him and pokes sicheng's stomach to wake him up. jaehyun's doing his work at the table and pays them no attention. ever since he starts living with them, he makes sure to be sitting as far as he could from sicheng to guarantee his own safety.

" chengie~ wake up ," jungwoo softly rubs the cat's chin and sicheng purrs. " I'm going to the market for a while. you don't mind staying with jaehyun, right ?"

even if sicheng couldn't speak in his cat form, his eyes scream that yes, I'll totally mind.

he turns to jaehyun, narrows his eyes and growls lowly. it earns the other's attention. jaehyun turns to him and slyly smiles, cocking a brow. sicheng – the petty cat he is – wants to tear off his work sheets to pieces. jungwoo sighs in resignation.

when jungwoo first introduced jaehyun to sicheng, the cat hissed hysterically – tail bristled with anger – and glued himself to jungwoo for the rest of the day. he even bit jaehyun's leg when he thought jungwoo wasn't looking.

sicheng is — for lack of a better word — a brat. he uses his charms a lot to hog jungwoo for himself, and it works wonders.

no solid reason why he hates jaehyun; but if they have to guess, simply because jaehyun's an 'intruder' in his and jungwoo's a year-worth of a relationship. while he doesn't show it actively, he's not subtle either.

but on the plus side: it's been six months since jaehyun and jungwoo started dating and, at least, sicheng doesn't do any bodily harm to him anymore.

his hatred is one-sided though.

jaehyun has always had find his jealousy adorable. especially when he narrows his eyes and stretches his body with his tail up-straight. rather than being intimidated, he wants to pull sicheng into a suffocating hug and he would've done it if sicheng doesn't try to scratch him every now and then.

jungwoo takes the cat and lifts him to the air, swinging him around just to annoy him. sicheng meows loudly. " chengie, don't be like this. I'll be back shortly. just behave like the good boy you are ."

" you don't have to worry, woo. sicheng and I get along very well ~" jaehyun says sing-songy. sicheng shoots him a glare.

jungwoo presses his damp nose and the cat backs away, meowing in protest. " don't glare at him like that. behave. don't disturb his work and don't break anything. I'd be back soon ."

earning a half-hearted meow from sicheng, jungwoo lets him down and pats his head. when jungwoo approaches jaehyun, he puts a hand on his shoulder and bends down to peck his cheek. sicheng grumbles. why doesn't he get a kiss too?

" please take care of him. I'll buy dinner too so you don't have to cook ." jungwoo says.

jaehyun nods and watches him leave. " take care, babe ."

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