hate date. [jungwin]

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this is requested by StayIsClown. I love enemies-to-lovers jungwin sm and idek why,, but I hope you enjoy it either way. also forgive me for the punny title but I couldn't resist.

and... tbh it pained me to write the dialogues because I've never been on a date (go figure lmao) and if it feels forced, forgive me.


" I've got a date !"

yuta's ears must've went deaf from how much he blasted one ok rock on his speakers – because there's no way sicheng said that.

or maybe it's because of his sleep deprivation. either one works.

but judging from how bright his housemate's eyes are, he hasn't misheard that. yuta only gives him a blank look and marches for the kitchen. he knows he needs at least two cups of coffee to process what's about to come.

sicheng follows him, hopping around like a rabbit, eager to spill the deeds. still, he waits patiently as yuta fixes himself a strong cup of coffee and takes a few long sips.

yuta places his mug down on the counter and turns to sicheng. " you may speak now ."

" I've. got. a. date ." sicheng repeats, emphasizing every word.

okay, so yuta really hasn't misheard that.

but it's hard to absorb. his housemate, despite being lovable, has never dated anyone in his life. nobody to blame for this except sicheng's own standards.

" what is it, the end of the world ?" yuta asks, leaning against the counter. " you finally found a guy who suits your impossible standards ?"

sicheng stops jumping around to shoot yuta a pointed look.

" it's not impossible. most men nowadays are just... below average ."

" sure. tell me about this above average guy ."

sicheng's eyes brighten again. " he's perfect. he's well-mannered, tall, got a really good voice, good sense of humour, soft hair, works at a music store — oh! and he's also japanese —"

yuta cuts him off by pressing a finger against sicheng's lips. " hol' up now. that's basically me. minus the tall part, but whatever. but explain why you rejected me when I asked you out ."

" you're still bitter about that ?"

" nah, I'm just kidding ," yuta pauses and sips his coffee again. when realization strikes, he narrows his eyes and snaps up. " wait. does that mean I'm below average in your standards ?"

sicheng's face is now masked with guilt. he smiles apologetically.

" technically ..." sicheng trails off. yuta scoffs in disbelief. he's over this, but, still. low blow.

" wow ."

" technically, you're not. but you're just not my type ."

" another wow. okay. I see how it is ."

" hyung —"

" I'm kidding. go on ."

" well, he asked me out last weekend and I agreed. we're meeting this evening at loveholic café ."

yuta almost chokes on his coffee. okay, note to self: don't let sicheng speak until you're on your fifth cup of coffee and slightly more coherent. because sicheng isn't making any sense right now.

" loveholic café ?" he parrots.

" yeah ."

" are you... okay ?"

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