song of the sea. [jaewin]

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a/n: very short and highly self-indulgent. enjoy anyways.


sicheng smiles when he steps into a puddle. he's not wearing his boots today, which is a big mistake. the sky is gloomy and it's freezing outside; the serene atmosphere after yet another rain this week. rain season has come. every year in their small town, it'll rain every day throughout november and december. snow's a very rare occurrence. but sicheng doesn't mind. he loves rain, loves how the earth gets silent and cold right after it.

he's in his yellow raincoat, splashing puddles like a little kid. the streets are empty since most of people chose to stay in – so it's just him and the water.

sicheng sees a tiny frog at the sidewalk when he continues to walk, and he immediately thought of taeyong, since frogs have always been taeyong's favourite land animal. he wonders if taeyong will come to visit again this year, but the chances are low. he only visits on summer since the beach is the busiest at that time.

he stops when he reaches a certain house. a dog barks at him, rather welcoming him than threatening. sicheng smiles and gives her a chin-rub.

" hello, kkami. is your mom inside ?"

as if on cue, the front door opens. byungho – a woman in her late 60s with more white hair than black ones and a golden heart – steps out of it, smiling when she spots sicheng. sicheng straightens and skips to her, greeting her a good evening.

" good evening to you too, sicheng. you're in a good mood, I assume ," she chuckles and pinches his cheek. " did you just returned from work ?"

" yes. but I took a little stroll, the weather's very lovely ."

" I think we have different interpretations of a 'lovely' weather. but oh, well. have you been eating well ?"

" yes! thanks to your recipes, I think I can at least cook edible food from now. and no kitchen is harmed, don't worry ."

" that's good ," she hands him a paper bag. " here, have this. they're sweet potatoes hyunjin picked from the fresh market. it's good for your immune system ."

" but aunty, I can't –"

" no, take this. as my token of gratitude of you taking kkami on a walk every day since I'm too weak to do so and hyunjin's busy with finals. take them ."

he smiles and thanks her. " thank you. jaehyun loves them ."

" right, how's that lovely husband of yours ?" byungho beams at the mention of jaehyun. as much as she loves sicheng (he's her 13th grandson at this point already) but sicheng knows she has a soft spot for jaehyun. everyone does.

" he's great. lately he's been into knitting and made me more socks and scarves than I could ever need. he's just ..." sicheng pauses, looking for the right word. " homesick ."

byungho shakes her head in pity. " ah, poor soul. you take care of him, okay ?"

" of course. can't imagine myself doing anything else ."

" take care of yourself, too. now get home before it rains again ."

" are you kicking me out ?" sicheng giggles and she smacks him lightly on the back. " kidding! see you, aunty ."

it doesn't take long for sicheng to get home since they only live three houses apart. he hums a familiar melody under his breath, one he's not sure where he's heard it from – might be jaehyun's song – as he unlocks the door. pushing the door open, sicheng announces his arrival.

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