lucky charm. [yuwin]

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my name is dong sicheng and my best friend is a celebrity.

his name is nakamoto yuta and he's a guitarist in a well-known rock band consisting of five members. he's pretty popular as far as I know. well, I'm not really into rock bands, after all.

but I admire his skills. he played guitar since we were little. he would play them for me, and he's really good at it. I never expected that he would be an actual guitarist when he grows up.

I'm also amazed whenever I turn the radio on and his band's songs are playing. those are kinda catchy to be honest. not really my type, but they're all bangers.

I never took advantage of his popularity, though. I've never even personally met any of his band mates. well, I asked once, but he was quick to shoo me away. we're in a love-hate relationship, I suppose.

and honestly speaking, one of his band mates caught my eyes. his name is taeyong; he's the main rapper and leader. his stage presence is so charismatic and he's pretty hot.

I've seen him in real life, but I doubt he noticed me. I was truly excited, but I couldn't even do anything when yuta already pushed me out that time.

he never lets me be in the same room with his band mates. I never knew why. maybe he doesn't want me to create a scene or anything.

last night, we hung out in my room. my parents weren't home and his band is currently touring here, so we had some time to spend together.

we lied down on my bed, staring into the ceiling in the darkness while chatting about irrelevant stuff. it was nothing special, but I liked it.

and he, being the clumsy idiot he is, left his keychain in my room. it's a black cat with a pink ribbon on its head. it's cute but he had it for years.

I remembered buying it for him at a thrift shop for his twelfth birthday. and he's twenty-five now, but he still kept it. he said it was his lucky charm or whatever.

I don't really believe in lucky charms. but now here I am, sneaking into the backstage of his concert, on nine o'clock in the night, just so I could return this stupid keychain to him.

I snuck past two guards outside, and made my way into the empty hallways. this is certainly not the first time I broke into a concert and got away with it. let's just assume I'm a professional ninja – or the security is too loose.

even if I'm backstage, I still could hear the fans' intense screaming. it was painful and hurt my ears. the band is currently performing, but they would be on a short break in ten minutes.

if I hurry, I can return the keychain to him and talk for a while before leaving. it's pretty hard to see him nowadays.

he'll be going to europe in two days for the tour, and he'll be back a week after. I have to find some time to talk to him.

I spotted the artists' changing room with ease and skipped to it with a small smile across my face. this is going easier than the previous ones. I have so much more ample time.

maybe I could introduce myself to taeyong too. ask for an autograph, or take a picture together, perhaps. yuta won't like it but who is he to stop me? I'm inevitable.

or so I thought. when I was about to twist the doorknob open, someone patted my shoulder. I instantly gulped and slowly turned back, to be greeted by a bald man in his late 30s.

shit. this is the first time I got caught.

" who are you and what are you doing here ?" he asked in a monotone voice every security guard mastered, and crossed his arms.

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