heartbreaker 3. [yuwin]

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" I think you were being too harsh ."

lucas started as he fit the 6-foot-long subway sandwich into his mouth. sicheng sipped his lemonade and sighed. he stayed quiet for a long time before banging his head into the table.

" I know. I hate myself. I'm just—shocked, you know? out of all sudden he showed up in front of me after five years. it's not completely my fault ."

" it's not an excuse to be an asshole ." lucas said, pointing his sandwich to the older.

sicheng looked up and sighed again. his mind is a mess right now and his beloved friend isn't really helping. why did yuta just reappeared in his life after dumping him years ago?

of course, he still love the japanese. but it's complicated. he couldn't just forgive him like it's nothing. he was heartbroken for five whole years. it's not easy at all.

" come on. 'our relationship was nothing but a mistake'? even I felt that. you know better, cheng. this is not you. plus, you're acting like you're the only one hurting. you both were in the relationship, you both broke up, you both hurt each other ."

" but I was dumped ."

" stop using that excuse. you were never bothered to ask why he dumped you at the first place. you could've at least talked like an educated human being to him ." lucas snapped. " and... if you really loathe him, why keep the ring ?"

sicheng's eyes travelled to the ring on his left pinky. lucas's right. no matter how much he tells himself that he absolutely hates yuta, he could never throw the ring away. it means everything to him.

maybe... the ring is too precious for him because it was given from the love of his life. he should stop lying to himself and be mature. even though it proves his ego was wrong all along.

he took another sip of his lemonade. lucas was done with his sandwich at the moment and licked his fingers. sicheng's really concerned if he's a 5 years old boy trapped in a 20 years old man body.

" xuxi, you're a bussinesman. I think you should use napkins ."

" and I think you should apologise. what's the harm? who knows, you both could still have feelings for each other. blah blah, dates, blah blah, marriage, blah blah, boom! children ."

sicheng giggled. he shook his head. dates, perhaps. marriage, maybe yes. but not children. absolutely not children.

" I would, but I lost contact with him ."

" barge on his apartment's door, then. show some effort to show you're really sorry. if he could set his pride aside and went to your office, you could kiss goodbye to your higher-than-burj-khalifa ego and go to his house ."

the older stayed quiet. he still has yuta's address. maybe he'll drop by sometime when he succeeds lowering his ego.

" now, if you're not eating your sub, I will ." sicheng rolled his eyes playfully and unwrapped his sandwich before it could land on lucas's mischievous hands.

" what are we doing here ?"

yuta asked, but there were no response from doyoung. instead, he pushed the japanese into the café. yuta turned to him in confusion and furrowed his brows.

" jaehyun and I will be here shortly. grab a table for us. wait here ."

the younger left him in the café alone. yuta shrugged and sat on the table besides the window.

he leaned over the chair and closed his eyes. the smell of pastries and caffeine were all over his nostrils. his stomach was rumbling, indicating his hungriness.

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