library. [jaewin]

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sicheng took a book from the shelf and carefully brushed dust off from it. then, he flipped over the hardcover to be greeted by the first chapter. he scanned his surroundings before he began to sink deep inside the book.

as a bookworm, it's his habit to go to the local public library after school every day. but recently the administration hired a new part-timer and he's very... irritating. sicheng doesn't really enjoy his company to say at the very least.

his name is jung jaehyun and he's a classmate of the chinese. if you take a quick look at him, he doesn't seem like he gives a damn about books or education or knowledge. and he really doesn't.

he has a gorgeous pair of eyes, stunning black hair and a very cute smile that makes his illegal dimples appear. he's a heartthrob at the school, and girls love to swoon over him, but for sicheng he's just that annoying part-timer that likes to disturb him.

he doesn't really talk to sicheng in class or at school, but he can get real talkative at the library. maybe because they're alone at that time. I mean, he's a sweetheart and sicheng's an introverted nerd, he probably wouldn't like it if other people know they talked.

sicheng's pretty grateful for that, though. having to bare with him at the library is hellish enough, he couldn't imagine it if jaehyun starts to talk to him at school too.

" SICHENG !~" speaking of the devil.

the chinese flinched and he almost dropped the book. most of the (normal) librarians would despised noises, but he guess jaehyun's one of a kind. he probably became a part-timer because he's short on money, not because he actually wants to.

sicheng sighed slowly when the said boy walked happily to him. he seems he's in a very good mood and this might be bad news for sicheng. because he gets ten times more irritating when he's in a very good mood.

" jaehyun. it is unpleasant to see you ."

" aww, I miss you too ." the korean smiled cheekily. " guess what? I passed my basketball trials and I made it into the team !"

sicheng gave him an unfazed look. but since he's too excited, the chinese felt pity and managed a half-hearted smile. he doesn't know how to react because he's not used to have friends. let alone talk to them.

and he doesn't know why jaehyun is telling him this. they're not even friends. well, maybe they are, but they are not that close.

" congratulations, I suppose ." sicheng said in a monotone voice, shrugging.

" thank you! I'm so happy, I could kiss you ."

jaehyun pulled the younger into a tight hug, which looks like he was suffocating the latter. sicheng succeeded in pushing him away after a few minutes of struggling.

" please don't. but why are you telling me this? you should tell your friends, not me ."

" uh, hello? you're my friend !" sicheng scoffed and jaehyun rolled his eyes playfully before continuing. " besides, you're the one who convinced me to try it ."

the chinese knitted his brows together. he thought for a while and realisation finally struck him. a few weeks ago, jaehyun won't stop going on how much he hates studying and he wants to focus on other things instead.

at that time, sicheng was busy reading and he didn't want to listen to jaehyun's constant nagging, so he just told him whatever came to his mind. he was a little bit surprised jaehyun even listened to him.

" oh, right ." he mumbled, averting his gaze to the floor.

" my first game is on this weekend. I want you to come ."

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