*Brooke's POV*
Fuck. Today was the day.
The boys are leaving today for their 6 month tour, they've been working hard for this actually. Ever since their 2 EP's, Unplugged and Somewhere New, they had a song list. And on the tour, they'll be writing some more songs and will br working on an album. The One Direction fans haven't been told who their opening act will be, it's going to be a surprise. But I can only hope that the Directioners will love the 5SOS boys.
And I hope they fucking know that they've all got 'significant others'.
"Flight 729 to Los Angeles from Sydney, may start boarding now." The flight attendant said through the mic that bellowed through the airport. There were actually some fans who waited for them outside, about 300.
"Don't make me say bye to you all." Charlene sniffed.
"I love you baby." Luke said while enveloping her in his arms.
"I love you too." She whispered.
I looked over to Shay and Calum over Michael's shoulder, they were deep in conversation. And then Ash and Ty...weren't doing anything. Because they haven't come out yet. But Ashton was saying bye to his family. Making his mum promise to take care of Harry, Lauren and Amy. Which, she does.
"Ashton and Tyrone don't you have something to tell your parents, Ashton?" I blurted.
Ashton sent me a panicking look and Ty looked a bit scared. I mouthed an 'It's gonna be okay' to them.
"Yeah...mum...about that..." Ashton laughed nervously.
"Yes? Tell me, sweetheart." Anne-Marie smiled.
"You know how I don't have a girlfriend?" Ashton said and then he grabbed Ty's hand.
"Yes?" She said, worriedness of somesort washing over her features.
"It'sBecauseIKindOfHaveABoyfriend." He blurted out.
"What? Didn't catch that." She laughed.
"It's because I kind of have a boyfriend." He sighed and then signalled to his and Ty's joined hands.
"Oh...Ash..." She gasped.
"Mum...please...say something...anything..." Ashton pleaded.
"This is the path you two choose?" She asked.
They both nodded nervously.
"Well, then..." She sighed. "I'm happy for you two. I really am. Ashton you can choose whatever gendre preference you like, and same goes to you Tyrone. Don't ever be ashamed of who you choose to be. I'm happy no matter what gendre you prefer. I'm not the one for racism. So, I could only wish you a happy live ahead and a happy ending."
Ashton and Tyrone had some happy tears, and to be honest, so did I.
Ashton ran at his mum and hugged the living daylight out of her.
"You're the most amazing mum ever, I love you." Ashton mumbled.
"Thank you so much, Miss Irwin." Ty smiled.
"Come here, Ty. You're a part of the family now!" Anne-Marie chuckled as she opened another arm.
Ty grinned and then hugged her too.
"Flight 729 to Los Angeles from Sydney, last call."
I sighed and turned around to face Mikey.
"I love you, baby." He sighed as he squeezed me tightly. "These months will go by before you know it. And then we'll get married, sound like a plan?"
"A plan." I smirked. "I love you too."
"I'll call you, Skype you, text you, FaceTime you, Tweet you...everything." Mike said.
"You better." I giggled.
"Michael let me say bye to Brookeston." Luke demanded.
"Okay, okay!" He chuckled as he let me go.
I smirked and ran at Luke and hugged him.
"I'm gonna miss you, Hemmo." I smirked.
"You too, Brookeston." He laughed. And then he whispered quietly. "If you ever feel ill or anything like that, you tell me and I'll take the next flight home."
"Okay, Hemmo." I laughed.
"Love you, Brookeston."
"Love you more, Hemmo." I said and then we parted. I saw Ashton there with his arms wide and I ran into them.
"Don't kill me though." I laughed.
"You know I've got the killer bear hugs." He smirked.
"Exactly." I laughed. "Love you, Ashy."
"Love you too, Brookie." He giggled.
I let go and saw Calum. I ran into his arms and hugged him tightly.
"Who's gonna sass me now?" I pouted.
"Shay." He laughed. "I'll miss you, Brooke."
"I'll miss you more, Cal."
"Doubt it." He giggled.
I smiled sadly before facing all 4 of them together.
"You won't let this tour change you right?" I asked.
"Never. We might look a little different, but we'll be the same." Luke answered.
"Good." I chuckled. "Everything will be the same."
At that point, I had no idea how wrong I was.
A/N: Short chapter because there's some suspense at the end there ehehehe.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)