*Brookes POV*
My eyes squinted as the daylight filled my bedroom. I was about to stretch my arms but found I couldn't due to a pair of strong arms around me, pulling me to his side as if he was scared I was just gonna dissapear. I looked up at Michael snoring slightly. He looked so peaceful. And he was sleeping with a slight smile on his face. Like he always did. And I'm so glad I get to see it again.
Suddenly, Michael began stirring in his sleep, obviously waking up. He stretched one arm but kept the other one around me. He opened his eyes but shut them again, obviously not prepared to face the sunlight either.
"Good morning." I smiled.
"Wow," he said. "Since when have you been such a happy morning person?"
"Believe me, I'm not." I chuckled.
"Yeah, didn't think you'd have changed that much." He smirked.
"Have I changed?" I muttered to him.
"Uh...no, not a lot. I just didn't think you could ever be depressed that's all, I didn't think you'd be more depressed by me not talking to you then your mum beating you..." he said.
"Because you matter a lot more to me than her. I love you." I said.
"Aw, I love you too." He chuckled.
But he didn't get it. It's not 'I love you' in a friend way like we'd always say, now it's 'I love you' in a completely different way. As in, Michael Gordon Clifford, I'm madly in love with you. I want to kiss you. I want to go on dates with you. I want you to call me yours. And I want to stand proud and say 'Michael Clifford is my boyfriend'. I want you to be the one who proposes to me. I want to marry you. I want my kids to have you call them dad. I want to be by his side until the crowds don't remember his name and his hands don't play the string the same way. I want to be there for him, but not as a best friend, I wanted to be more, much much more.
"Want some blueberry pancakes?" I said, wiggling my eyebrows.
"Have I ever said no?" He chuckled.
"Good point." I said.
We got up and trodged downstairs, I saw myself in the mirror and noticed that I looked a lot happier and vibrant than I have in 2 months. Michael really did change me.
I trodged into the kitchen and got out all the ingredients and utensils to start, placing them all on the kitchen side.
"Whoa!" Michael said suddenly.
"I've got loads of new followers on Twitter and they're all tweeting about our gig last night." He said, I noticed that he was tapping on his phone.
"Good for you." I chuckled. "So...they're fans?"
"I guess." He said bewildered.
"Oh hey, I think I heard some girl say 'Fuck me Michael' yesterday." I giggled. He too chuckled.
"Can I ask a personal question Michael?" I said. I can't believe I'm gonna ask this.
"Go ahead."
"Are you a virgin?" I asked blushing.
"Um...yeah." he said embarrased. "You?"
"Yeah." I said embarrassed.
"Hey, let's go out today." He said changing the awkward subject.
"Okay, to where?" I asked, flipping the pancakes.
"As planned as always I see." I joked, rolling my eyes.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfic"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)