*Brooke POV*
Well, that's it, they're finally gone. Their finally on a plane. Wow. After they turned the corner, everyone stood a bit dazed at the fact that the 4 teenage boys have actually left to persue their dream. We always gave them confidence and stuff, but now that it's actually happened, it's a bit incredible. We all said bye to each other and walked back to our cars, driving home.
On our way home, none of us spoke, it was all probably from thinking. Shay's eyes were on the road but I knew that her mind was somewhere else. Charlene fiddled with her fingers in her lap and stared down at them, she was crying, yet you couldn't tell. I felt tears stream down my face too. I didn't make any sounds though. Shay turned to face me and let out a small sad sigh. I wasn't in the mood to talk right now, so I acted as if I hadn't noticed. I looked back at Charlene after 15 minutes of driving, she gradually crawled up in a ball and fell asleep, dry tears stuck to her cheeks. I leaned my head against the window and took a deep breath in through my noise. I stared at the road, but didn't actually pay atention. Michael was gone. So was Luke. And Ashton. And Calum. Those four idiots are actually gone. And I know that they said that they would come back, and I knew they would, but after their Australian tour, only more was going to progress. Serious management would take a look at them and realise the serious talent they possess, and they'd want to sign them, they'd write songs and sell them, they would be all over the world, and not to mention, all over the walls of teenage girls, stalking them on Twitter and Tumblr. Yeah, I know the life of a fangirl, I am one. It won't be long until I see 5sos reblogged all over my Tumblr page. It's just a lot to take in. They started so small, but I knew they would be big someday, talent like theirs wouldn't go to waste.
It wasn't till then that I realised that Shay was driving in a direction that I didn't recognise.
"Wait, where are we going?" I said, my voice came out a lot quieter than intended. I guess I could play it off as an excuse as to not wake Charlene up.
"Well, since no one made plans, I decided we were gonna go to mine, is that okay?" She smiled.
"Yeah." I nodded. I've never been to her house before. I want to meet her brother, by the stories she's told me, he sounds really cool and funny. And apparently I had to hear his rapping skills. He's a year older than me from what I've understood, like Ashton, and he too focused on music.
After another 30 minutes, we pulled up infront of a large homey looking house (don't even bother if that didn't make sense lol). Shay sighed before pulling the car into it's driveway.
"My parents aren't here. My brother probably is though." She mumbled. We both leaned over snd looked at Charlene sleeping.
"Char wake up, we're here." Shay said.
"Wake up, princess." I teased.
"Luke?" Charlene groaned, she opened her eyes and realised it was us. "Oh."
"Come on, we're at my house." Shay said.
She grunted before hopping out the car slowly. I could tell she was still upset about Luke, I understand how she felt too.
Shay went up to her front door and fiddled with the keys, she obviously couldn't find it fast enough for her own liking, she sighed in frustrstion. Suddenly, the door flung open to reveal a teenage boy, who looked older than us. He resembled Shay a bit. He wore baggy jeans, pristine white Nike sneakers, a white tank top and a snapback.
"You know you're the worst with keys, right?" He said, smirking at Shay. His voice was a lot deeper than I thought.
"Shut up Ty, move." She snapped. He just chuckled before walking back into the house. We all stepped in, Char did a bit shakingly. Her house was quite modern, but cosy. It was nice. And it looked a lot bigger than it did outside. Shay walked down the corridor and turned left at the end of it, me and Charlene only guessed to follow her, and as we turned we ended up in her living room. Her brother was sprawled across one out of the 3 sofas in there.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)