*Michael's POV*
Today was the day that me and the boys were leaving, leaving to do a tour around Australia, leaving 3 best friends behind, leaving home behind, leaving our families behind...
But we were gonna be back soon enough, only 5 weeks, and I get to be with Brooke again.
After we woke up at the hotel this morning, and dressed, after a very memorable night might I say *smirks*, we went back home, Brooke to hers, and me to mine. The flight was at 8pm to Perth. Atleast it was a late flight, and I wouldn't have to get up in the morning, I hardly slept (wink, wink).
I got home, unlocked the door and went to go see my dad in the kitchen. He was in the middle of drinking a coffee and reading a newspaper. He obviously just woke up, he looked tired.
He noticed me enter and smiled up at me. "Hey Mikey! How'd the date go?"
I smiled. I told my dad all about the date yesterday, and he even helped a bit. "It was...amazing." I sighed, at the memory of last night.
"Did anything happen that I should know about?" He asked, smirking. I mentally debated wheter or not I should tell him. Me and him were so close now, we told eachother everything.
"No," I lied.
"You know you're a bad liar." He smirked. "What happened after?"
"Nothing." I continued lying.
"C'mon Mike, a teenage boy, who's going away for 5 weeks, gets a night alone with his girlfriend in a hotel, and nothing happens?" He said. He gave me a look that I couldn't lie to. "You sure about that?"
I nodded shakingly.
"I'm your father, I'm supposed to know." He smirked. "I'll ask again, did anything happen?"
"Yes..." I mumbled.
Oh shit.
"I KNEW IT!" He said in triumphant. "Michael, please tell me you used a condom."
"Dad!" I groaned.
"I'm not looking after your baby." He said seriously. "How was your first time?"
"Dad, please stop." I pleaded, I felt my cheeks go red.
"Nope." He teased.
"It was fine! I used a condom! Okay?" I suddenly burst. My dad just smirked.
"Was it her first time too?"
"Dad," I groaned. "And yes. She was kinda confused about what all her 'feelings' were."
"Normal." Dad said while taking a sip of his coffee.
"Can we please drop the subject?" I said.
"Fine." He huffed. "So, you ready to tour Australia for the next 5 weeks, bud?"
"You bet I am." I grinned. My phone vibrated in my pocket and I dug it out, and smiled at the message.
From Brooke♡: Me, Char and Shay are coming to the airport together, we'll meet you there x
I was half disappointed, I wanted to pick her and the girls up. Oh well.
I thought about how Luke was handling the fact that he had to leave Charlene for 5 weeks and how Calum handled the idea of leaving Shay. I know Shay and Cal aren't together, but they're like a brother and sister, and to be honest, they we're cute together, because they both had the same sassy attitude, and horny teenage personality. It kinda got disturbing sometimes. And for Ashton, well...Ashton didn't have a girlfriend or a super close friend who was a girl, for him it was a bigger deal to leave his siblings. He had to leave his mother take care of them all alone, something he's not use to. He's been worried about that ever since the day Matt called him about the tour. Lauren and Harry never had a dad around, it had always been Ashton as the man of the fam, and Anne-Marie was used to having Ashton being around, so he's worried about the impact it'll take on the family. We, including his mother, were telling him it was fine and that they would do perfectly fine for 5 weeks alone, even though Laur and Harry weren't completely alone, they had their mother. Ashton seemed to relax after a while and agreed to go on the tour, with the promise by Miss Irwin that she'd call him if there was absolutely any problem, he'd be on his way home faster than you could say '5sos'.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)