*Brookes P.O.V*
So after Michael left, me and Calum decided to watch a movie to get our minds off things, more like my mind.
But before we turned on 'Mean Girls' (Yes, Calum wanted to watch Mean Girls), I felt like Calum deserved a better explanation to who my mother was and why she was like that and what she had against me and what she's done to me.
Even if I didn't really have the answers to those questions.
I told him everything. Everything I remembered. Recounting every fight and threat in full detail. He seemed to have noticed my comment to Mandy before about forgiving her, so he asked the reason to that. And I told him too.
I don't know why, but when I was telling him everything I was so open, and that's not like me at all. Not one bit. I didn't hold anything aback and I didn't second think the things I said. Calum just gave me the feeling that he understood everything and he was there for me. And I felt trust in him, being able to confide in him, because I was scared about telling anyone else in case they would blackmail me with it somehow, someday. But I didn't get that worrying feeling with Calum. The whole time I was talking (and crying at the same time) he had his hand on my knee and his other arm around my shoulder and cuddled me into him as I kept my head in the crook of his neck, and he would make random shapes with his thumb into my knee, it sent a relaxing feeling. And butterflies. Lot's of stomach butterflies.
Damn you Hood.
After I was pretty much finished telling him my background story we stayed in the same position in silence. No one spoke. No one dared to. But it wasn't an awkward silence. It was a confortable silence.
"Brooke, let me tell you something." Calum spoke finally.
"I fucking promise you I'll be here for you, and I promise you'll never be put through shit like that again, nor witness it, it's scary shit. I know where you come from. I know what it's like to be out through shit like that. And I'm not sure if you knew this, but me and Luke were put through the same shit, not the same as you, but both me and Lukes parents were violent to eachother, our fathers were women beaters. They hurt our mothers. And I was young at the time, and scared, helpless. And thank god I had my older sister Mali in my life. She protected me, and I could never fully repay her, and it was horrendous. Yet, it still isn't anything compared to your life, but I know you're scared, and I don't like anyone feeling like that. So I fucking promise you I will keep you okay. If it's the last thing I do." He said "I love you Brooke."
His last comment kind of took me by surprise. Only me and Michael really said that...as we were best friends...but Calum was probably saying it in a friendly way too right?
But then I began to think about what Calum has just told me about the violence his mum was put through, as well as Lukes. I didn't know. And there's nothing more that I hate then a woman beater. To me, men who beat women up are pathetic, they can't prove their strength on someone their own size and gender for the matter, but they decide to prove themselves on women who are always gonna be weaker than you. So it didn't show bravery, it showed weakness. So there was no real point in it, besides hurting women. And letting Calum and Luke see that? It made me feel sick to my stomach. I instantly felt bad for Calum. I guess...I guess anyone around could have a dark past or be in the dark, someone who you wouldn't even guess, because I never would have guessed happy hoppy Calum and Luke would have been put through that. So I wanted the ability to open my eyes more and realise that eveyone pains. Wether it's scars in your heart, mind or even wrists. Everyone hurts.
"Calum...I'm sorry you had to be put through that-"
"No. Don't be. You're so modest and antiselfish it's weird. You have to look at your life. Mine's fine, don't worry. But you worry about everyone besides you. You're aloud to worry for yourself and whatnot...it's fine. Don't worry. And I'm here, okay? And so is Michael. We're here. And I promise you you're safe with me." He said.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfic"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)