"Brooke, wake up." A voice said slightly waking me from a deep sleep. I felt someones hands on my arms and shake me violently.
"Brooke! I'm not going to school by myself!" The voice wined.
I opened one eyelid and set eyes on my blonde haired best friend, who just so happened to be inmy bedroom.
Instead of greeting him, I stretched my arms above my head and let out a long groan.
"Well, it's nice to see you too." He said, rolling his eyes playfully.
"Michael, what are you even doing here?" I said grumpily, turning my head the other way grunting. But he ended up being on the other side of my bed.
"Shit, did you just full name me?" He gasped jokingly. "I'm offended, and to wake you up. You're a morning nightmare."
"Ironic even." I answered.
"C'mon fatass. Get out of bed and get ready, school remember?" He said.
"Well damn, Mikey, I love you too." I said, slowly getting up. He patted my back grinning.
"Yup, that's my girl. Go and get ready I'll be here." He said.
I sent him a death glare but soon, my expression was replaced by a large grin, because lets face it- I can never stay mad at Michael.
I got up and slowly made my way to the bathroom, jumping in the shower. When I came back out I brushed my hair and dried it, and threw it into a pony tail with a fringe. I huffed, realising that I didn't get myself clothes before coming to the bathroom. I had no interest in stepping back into the cold bedroom so I decided to let Michael choose my outfit.
"Michael! Can you please get me some clothes, dork!." I shouted through the door. I heard him giggle.
I heard my drawers and closets opening and closing, and 5 minutes later, Michael flung the bathroom door uninvitengly.
"Oi! You could've knocked! What if I was naked?" I snapped.
"All the better for me." He smirked putting clothes in my hand.
"God, you're so sick but I have to love you." I said giggling, shaking my head.
"Yup." He sighed. "And, you're pretty much stuck with me."
I shooed him out my bathroom and looked at the clothes he got out for me; black skinny jeans, a Metallica shirt, socks, and undergraments.
I hastily put them on and stepped out.
"Ha. Knew I picked the right clothes." He said smirking. I looked at him, he wore similar clothes as me. Except his shirt was Green Day.
"Oh my god, we look almost the same." I said slowly shaking my head, pursing my lips and pulling on some black Vans.
"Oh! Really? No. I didn't pick out your outfit to match mine in any creepy way like nope." He said sarcastically.
"God, you're weird." I said shaking my head.
We left after that, we started walking to school, talking like we did every morning.
It's weird, you'd think- After years and years of knowing eachother as well as the back of your hand, you would run out of things to talk about, but me and Michael never did.
We always had a lot on our mind and we'd always be open, we'd share opinions and just weird things.
Okay, I guess you think it's weird I've let a boy get my undergarments, but its diferent with him. He doesn't think about me in that way, and he doesn't get weird when it came to that type of stuff. Like hell; when we were 14, he left an un erasable image in my head.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfic"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)