So, I've just woken up.
It's Sunday gimme a break.
Damn, what time is it?
Shit it's 1:56pm.
I can't believe I've slept in till 2 o'clock.
Hahahahahahahahahahaaahahhaha awesome.
Hey, what's Brooke doing?
Let me call Brooke.
*calling Brooke.*
No answer? Okay...
No answer either hm.
Well this sucks. My 4 best friends are ignoring me. THANKS GUYS FEELING THE LOVE HERE.
I sat up in my bed and looked around my bedroom. The one thing that caught my eyes were the blades laying on the floor half way across the room. The ones I threw angrily last night.
My biggest secret from Brook was only hidden behind my sleeves.
Meh, she doesn't need to know.
I crept out of bed and made my way downstairs to the kitchen.
I made toast with Vegemite, yum.
But I felt the colour run out of my face as my mother walked in.
"Jesus fucking Christ, have you only just woken up?" She said.
I ignored her.
"Ignore me then. Fat lazy ass..." she mumbled before walking back out.
I sighed, her comments didn't matter to me anymore. I'm used to them. And to the ones my dad says.
I remember the first time though...
* 5 years earlier.*
My parents are fighting and I hate it. They always take out their anger on me. Why me? I heard their harsh comments that brough me to tears.
"Well! You're the one that gave birth to a useless slob of a child!"
"You got me pregnant!"
The words really hurt me. I'm twelve. Twelve. And this sucks.
"I CAN HEAR YOU!" I screamed carelessly.
"GOOD!" they shouted back.
I scoffed and layed back down in my bed. Fuck them-oh my god I said a swear word- wait, I don't care.
I was so upset, I grabbed a bag and stuffed as much clothes in it as I could. I ran out the house. And my feet took me autopilot to a house I knew very much too well. Her house.
I went up to her porch. And I repeatedly rang her doorbell. Just then I realised I was crying. Hard.
2 minutes later the door flung open.
"Hey Mike- oh my gosh what's wrong?" She said.
"Please...please let me in." I croaked through the tears.
She moved out my way, I bolted right past her and up the stairs. I flung her bedroom door open and jumped on her bed. I burried my face in her pillow and yelled.
She walked back in cautiously. A sad smile on her face.
"What's wrong Mikey?" She said before taking a seat beside me.
I looked up at her and felt a tear stream down my cheek.
"My parents." I mumbled.
"What?" She asked confused.
"My parents. They...they..." I couldn't finish my sentence, it was too painful.
"They?" She ushered.
She gently but my head in her lap. And started playing with my hair. I liked it. With her, I always felt safe and happy.
"They kinda insulted me, I guess..." I mumbled.
She stopped playing in my hair. I wish she didn't. I liked it. I heard her take in a sharp breath.
"W-What exactly do you mean by insult?" She whispered.
I shut my eyes closed. I felt a tear stream down my cheek. I took a shivery breath. Then I told her. Everything.
When I finished, she sat there almost horrified. She was frozen and all the colour ran out her face.
"Mikey, that's not normal." She said.
"I know...but I don't understand." I replied. "Why me?"
"I'm not sure..." she said. She resumed playing with my hair.
I looked up at her. And I admired her. Her golden hair fell infront of her face from leaning over me, and her bright blue eyes shined like stars. She was only twelve, but beautiful. Inside and out. And that is why she was my best friend. She's sweet and understandable. She always has my back. And she's amazing. She's, Brooke Junes, my very best friend.
I smiled slightly. She returned it. She leaned down and planted a kiss on my forehead.
"You know I love you, and you can stay here for however long you need." She said. I smiled.
"Thanks..." I mumbled. "And I love you too."*NOW*
I really couldn't ask for a better friend.
Best friend I mean.
And she's mine.
No boyfriends please.
Well...it's her love life I don't care...
Do I?
I left the kitchen and went back upstairs to my bedroom.
Today's just one of those days to stay in bed all day.
If that made sense lol

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)