*Michael POV*
"W-What do you mean six months?" I said.
"Six months. On tour. With One Direction." Our manager, Matt, said.
"No." Luke said bluntly, crossing his arms like a 5 year old.
"Why not?" Matt sighed.
"They're not our music." Calum mumbled and shrugged.
"C'mon guys, this is our only chance. How else are we gonna get famous?" Ashton sighed.
"W-What about Brooke?" I asked.
"I'm sure she can survive 6 months without you, Michael." Matt sighed.
"No, she can't." Luke scoffed.
"And why not?" Matt raised his eyebrows.
"I don't think she's well...I think she's sick. But she won't let me take her to the hospital." I mumbled.
"She's worse than sick, Michael." Luke snapped. "She looks like a toothpick. She doesn't eat, she hardly sleeps, everything hurts her, she gets headaches, her skin is paler than yours, she has black circles around her eyes, everything is an effort for her. She looks like she's fucking dying! And she's the only one that doesn't see it!"
"Don't you think I know that?" I snapped.
"Okay, you two, stop." Matt snapped.
"They're not lying..." Calum mumbled.
"Mike...I'm worried about her too, but I'll get Ty and the girls to look after her." Ashton offered.
"What if something bad happens to her? And I'll be half way across the world! Do you know what a bad boyfriend I'd be? Not only that, but a bad best friend? Since the second of August of the year 2000 we've been there for each other! Back to back! I can't just leave that all behind!" I said, and then I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
"Are you going to engage to her before or after the tour?" Luke asked bluntly.
"Wait, what?" Ashton said, and then Calum spat out the water he was just drinking.
"You were going to engage to her?" Calum asked, choking.
"Yeah." I shrugged.
"Michael Gordon Clifford, how old are you?" Ashton snapped.
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin!" I mocked. "I'm 17 and you know it."
"So what, you and Brooke are just gonna be the 17 year old married couple?" Ashton questioned.
"Dudes, chill." Luke rolled his eyes. "If they love eachother that much, then it's meant to be."
"So what? If it's like that, you can go and engage to Charlene." Calum snapped.
"I will actually, after I meet her parents." Luke scowled.
"So what, you can get into her pants?" Calum laughed bitterly.
"That's not the reason at all actually, Hood." Luke spat. "Have some fucking decency and think about how I might actually feel for her. You can engage to Shay if you wanted to, and I wouldn't judge! But NO! Just because I'm the youngest, it's really weird. I'm not a fucking baby alright? If I think I love her enough to want to get married to her, then I fucking can!"
Me and Ashton shared a glance, we've never seen them fight this bad. And for some reason, Luke was in a really bad snappy mood today. And Calum's not the type to just sit there and take people's shit. He's gonna bite back, and he bites hard. And if Luke wants to, he can too.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfic"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)