*Michaels P.O.V*
I was on my way 'home' from Brookes, when in reality I just walked out of my home.
My heart was still racing at the thought of Brookes actual mother being out of prison and punching Brooke in the face.
But what tore me apart was the fact that, Calum was there and not me. Calum had saved her. Calum had her in his arms. Calum was conforting her. Calum was going to take care of her for the night. Calum made her promise she was fine. Calum promised to keep her fine and safe.
But not me.
And Brooke...she was crying in his arms, cuddling into his shoulder, promising him, letting him stay the night, thanked him, didn't let go of him.
But not me.
She did ask about my face. But I didn't tell her then because I didn't want to shake her up more than she already was. Let's just say, my mother didn't like the fact I stayed away for a couple days.
I felt a tear stream down my cheek.
That bitch of a 'mother' of Brookes went there. Threatened her. Scared her. And hit her. And I was such a pathetic 'best friend' I wasn't there. I wasn't there for Brooke when she most needed me.
But Calum fucking Hood was.
I'm not exactly jealous, that's not the word, but I didn't like the fact that he kept her to him, while I was there, and as soon as I saw them cuddled together, I pulled her out of his arms and into mine. So I could feel her warmth. So I could comfort her. Not him.
But he was gonna stay with her tonight. And I'm trusting him with my bestest friend in the hole wide world.
As soon as I reached my house, I just slumped up to my bedroom to avoid contact with my parents, more specifically my mother. I threw myself on the bed and pulled out my phone and kept it next to me, incase Brooke called, possibly to complain about Calum, but I knew that that wouldn't happen. They seemed all lovey dovey *insert gagging noise here*.
Even the thought of Brooke having a boyfriend sent shivers down my spine. I'm not sure why though, it's probably just because I'm being a protective best friend...right?
Although, I know she feels the same way about me having a girlfriend, she seems to think that I would forget her and turn my attention to 'my girlfriend' but oh, was she dead wrong. I had no intentions of having a girlfriend. The thought of me having one sent shivers down my own spine...although me and Mandy had a nice chat the other day....
I heard my mum and dad fighting downstairs. It was the first time I heard my dads voice in about a week. My dad isn't like my mum, he never touched me, sometimes he threw a few insults at me just to please mum, because I knew he was generally scared of her. So, my dad mostly locks himself up in his office to avoid my mother, to avoid the merciless tasks she would make him do-towards me. I wouldn't take a second thought to confirm I like my dad more than my mum...even though I hardly ever talk to him, so he just actually doesn't care enough to participate in shit. But he did generally care about my health and state, sometimes he'd sneak in an ice pack or something every now and then when I had bruises or cuts on my face and body. But that's just between us. But, before, dad didn't have a liking towards me, but in the last year or two, he decided to soften up a bit. And care more.
I looked in the mirror half way across the room, Jesus Christ my face looks like it had mud smuthered all over my right cheek, but it was only a bruise.
I groaned and leaned down on my bed, face down to my pillow.
What a terrible best friend I am. Not being there for her when she needed me, leaving her to go home by herself when I knew she received strange texts. What was runing through my mind at the time when I turned down the road headed to my 'home'?
I groaned loudly to try and get the sound of my parents fighting out of my mind.
I felt the bed vibrate due to my phone receiving a text. I smiled when I saw who it was from- Brooke.
Brooke: Hey, you alright?
To Brooke: I'm fine. Just my parents are fighting. What about you?
Brooke: Oh Christ, sorry, do you wanna come over? And I'm fine x
To Brooke: No, no. That's fine. Enjoy yourself with Calum, I'll be fine. Take care x love u.
And that was that. I put my phone down. I didn't go over because I knew she was in good hands and I didnt want to be clingy. I had just spent two days at her house and I was in school with her all day. Not to mention, Calum is my best friend too, and me showing up would be a huge cockblock to him. I'd be a terrible wingman.
Ew. Thinking that Calum wanted to do things to Brooke made my inner self vomit.
Oh god, oh god, oh god. I swear to fucking god if Calum touches her in any other way then a hug, I shall cut his balls off.
Speaking of cut...
I stood up and made my way to my bathroom.
Right now, I hate myself. I'm terrible. And to be honest, besides Brooke, what's the point in living? Life's fucked and I'm wasting oxygen on this god for saken planet. And I've been a horrible human being and I need to do something about it. Punish myself.
I frantically searched through my drawers, throwing my stuff out of it, not caring where it landed, and aha, I found it. My razor.
I took one of the blades out of it and sat on the floor, I roughly wripped my wristbands off my hand and violently collided the blade to my wrist, to acompony the various scars and scabs that decorated my forearm. I felt the cold metal melt into my skin, cutting it, I didn't even feel any pain. I'd take this pain over the pain im my heart anyday. I watched as the blood started pouring out of my new deep cut, something I've learnt to have pleasure from seeing.
But one's not enough.
I brought the blade to my arm anfew more times until I now watched blood pour out of 4 fresh cuts. And quite deep may I remind you. I only then realised blood all over my bathroom floor and walls. And not to mention my blade. I slowly and hesitantly stood up and made my way over to the sink to clean up my arm. But I wanted to pleasure it for longer. I sat on the toilet and watched the blood fall, but blood wasn't the only thing that fell, so did tears from my eyes. I started randomly crying in my hands. I replied a thought in my mind:
"Everyone hates you, and you hate you, so what's there to live for?"
That's just the way I feel okay? And to be honest, I don't think I'm gonna hold back from that thought much longer.
Brooke's fine. She has Calum to look after her. And I trust Calum. They can live happily ever after for all I care.
After about 15 minutes of crying and moping, I decided to finally clean up my arm and bathroom.
It took me about another 8 minutes till the room was blood free, and my arm.
Even though it was early, I crawled back into my bed and decided to take a nap.
"Calum and Brooke...Happily. Ever. After."
-Sierrah x

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)