I was currently walking back home from school with Michael by my side, he always walked me home. Even if he did live about 4 blocks away from me.
"Hey Brooke can I come over to yours?" He asked off handedly.
"Uh yeah sure, do you think your parents will mind?" I said, but as soon as I said that last sentence I knew I regretted it. And I think it upset Michael. He scoffed and raised his eyebrows.
"Have they ever cared about me, Brooke?" He asked seriously. I pursed my lips. Knowing he was right.
"No I guess not..." I said. "Mikey, you're always welcome, don't even need to ask really."
He chuckled and put an arm around me. I cuddled into his side and smiled. But it quickly faded as I thought about Michaels relationship with his parents. It wasn't very pleasant let me say that.
We finally reached my house. It wasn't only home to me, but a home to my dad and my older sister. And it was also a second home to Mikey.
I walked in and heard the TV on.
"HI AND WHEN ISN'T HE HERE." He replied smartly. Me and Michael chuckled a bit. We walked in just to say hi to them. My sister Mandy was on one of the couches staring into her phone and dad was sat on another, drinking coffee and watching the TV.
"Hey." Me and Michael said in unison.
"Hey guys. Michael! What's up? You cool? How's the band going?" Dad asked.
Michael smiled, chuckling a bit.
"Hey, I'm alright. And the band's fine. How are you?" He replied.
"Ya know, I'm fine. Even though we only saw eachother this morning but yeah." Dad said. I shook my head while pursing my lips. Mandy looked up from her phone for a second.
"Hey guys." She mumbled. We mumbled a 'Hey' back.
"C'mon, lets go up to my room." I said to him. He nodded, and we both made our way to my room.
He made no second thoughts on jumping on my bed and making himself comfortable. Although, all in all, he's probably slept more times in my bed than in his own.
"Fieofkrjidkdkdmuuuuuughhj." He moaned into the pillow.
"What?" I said chuckling.
He lifted his head up.
"We need pizza." He said.
"True. Let me call the pizza guy." I said.
I called the pizza place and ordered two peperoni pizzas, because one wasn't going to be enough.
Me and Michael sat on my bed and talked. Until I sat up abruptly.
"HOLY SHIT ITS NOVEMBER 4TH." I accidently yelled.
"Uhm, yeeeeeah, so?" He said.
I looked at him.
"Nothing, your birthday's in 16 days." "Oh yeah." He said.
He ended up staying at mine until 9 o'clock. And he was really thinking about staying over, but he thought of going home so he could get ready properly tomorrow for school.
Although, he didn't dissapear for long, due to him, waking me up the next morning at 7 o'clock in the morning.
"You know the routine." He said as I finally rolled over and announced that I was fully awake.
Today I got my own outfit, I decided to go a little less like Michael, and I settled for a brown dress, with black tights and long brown boots, with a black cardigan. I did a little plait on the side and put on a tiny little bit of make-up. Even though there was no real need, school isn't a fashion show.
I walked back out to see Michael scrolling through his phone. He quickly noticed me walk back in. He looked up and checked me out.
"Meh, a green day shirt and black skinny jeans would have done good but I guess you look amazing like that." He said. I chuckled.
"Yeah yeah, you better show off your best friend at school today. I'm dressed up." I said. He scowled.
"No. Guys will be drooling over you, I'm not gonna have any of that." He said.
"Woo, a little over protective don't ya think?" I said.
"I AGREE WITH MICHAEL." I heard my dad say as he walked past my bedroom. Me and Michael broke out into laughing fit.
We decided that we were gonna leave now.
We arrived at school ten minutes or so after leaving my house. I saw Calum, Luke and Ashton standing around Lukes locker and talking.
"You wanna go over there? I'll go hang out in the library if you want." I offered. He shook his head.
"No, I'll stay with you. I don't wanna deal with Calum right now, he's probably hyper." Michael said.
He was so grumpy and silent in the mornings.
All we ended up doing was walk around the school talking. Although, our talk was cut off from a group of girls walking past us giggling.
"Oh heyy there Mikey." One of them winked at him, giggling.
"Uh, hi?" Michael said confused. They continued giggling and walked away.
Michael wasn't used to all the attention, especially by girls. They all liked him because he gave off this bad boy punk look, and he was in a band. I guess Mike's not ugly or anything...gah, I don't know.
"Girls." He said chuckling.
"Yeah..." I said.
The only thing I didn't like about the idea of him having a girlfriend, is that he won't be around me as often, and that he'll have a new girl in his life and I'll be old news. Gosh, I say that as if I have feelings for him, HAHA, wait.
When we heard the bell ring we made our way to music class.
"Dude, Mike where were you this morning?" Calum said.
"Oh, I was just-"
"Oh yeah right, with her." He said looking at me.
"Problem, Hood?"
"Whatever, Junes."
Me and Calum didn't get along very well. He always acted as if he were better friends with Michael and told me to piss off and leave them alone so they could be boys together, he said 'a boy needs a boy best friend, so they can understand eachother better and that's where I come in.' He said one time. And ever since, we didn't like eachother.
And in class, me and Calum took the furthest away seats from eachother.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)