*Michael's POV*
::a month later::
I stared at her beautiful face, her smile still bedazzled me. Her long blonde hair whipping through the wind.
It was a picture.
A picture I took of Brooke while we were at the beach two years ago.
"You ready?" Luke asked me.
I looked over at him, seeing him wear a black tuxedo with a matching black tie. His hair in a quiff like always, wearing his black lip piercing that he was biting nervously.
I looked in the mirror and saw that my outfit was almost exactly the same as his, even my hair was dyed black.
"I'm r-ready." I heard Charlene say from behind me.
I looked over at her, she dyed the ends of her hair black. She wore black tights, a black dress with sleeves, black heels that weren't high and some sort of black hat. Heavy black makeup on her eyes that I knew was going to be running down her cheeks in the matter of minutes.
"I'm not. I'm never gonna be ready." Calum mumbled.
Calum too was wearing the same tuxedo as us, only he was holding a fake pink daisy, which was Brooke's favorite flower. I'm not sure why, but he had it in his hand.
Calum hasn't been taking this well at all. He refuses to believe any of what's happened.
"Me either." Shay spat, stubbornly.
"Guys..." Luke mumbled.
Shay wore almost the same as Charlene, but she was wearing elbow cut sleeves, see through black tights, snaller heels, and a lace part that hung off her hat that covered half of her face. She wore a brochette on her chest and she held a black rose. Twirling it around in her glove covered hands.
"We all hate it." Ashton muttered.
"We have to do this..." Amy mumbled, almost crying.
She wore her black dress too, but no one could stop her from wearing her pink lipstick. She wore longer gloves than Shay, she wore black heel boots and a short sleeve black dress. Her hat was almost like Shay's. She also held a pink bow.
"Who knew this funeral was gonna be for two people..." Ty mumbled fixing his cufflings on his black tuxedo jacket.
"Mr Junes must be devistated." Charlene mumbled.
"I don't blame her though..." Calum mumbled. "She probably felt really shitty."
"Who knew Mandy would fucking commit suicide though." Luke muttered.
All I could do with nod.
::after the church:: (sorry too emotional to do all the speeches because im literally gonna fucking bawl my eyes out at my aunt's house)
We were all on our way to the grave yard, it was raining hard.
No one could say anything, after all of our speeches and tears, no words could come out of our mouths.
Luke managed to sing Amazing Grace at the funeral, after all of his tears and words. He sang it with so much emotion and power, an inner voice we never heard from Luke. He put all of his shyness aside and sang his heart out.

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfic"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)