*Michael's POV*
Finally. 6 long months of tour were awesome, but over and I'm back home to see my dad and my baby.
Honestly, I've never spent 6 months so thrillingly and in excitement but being with One Direction on tour definately brought it out in me. The 1D boys are actually really cool lads to hang out with and are really nice. Not to mention their fans, they actually liked us. And across the countries we began growing our own fandom and our fans have been coming to the concerts only to see us. None of us could believe it at the time, but it suddenly sunk it that we weren't any 4 normal teenage boys anymore. I wouldn't use the term famous, because that's far off. But...known is an acceptable word. We've all been in contact with our girls and they're proud of us. Me and Brooke are going good. Although we stopped FaceTiming and Skyping a long time ago.
To be honest, I look at us four boys and compare us to the 6 months ago boys. And we've changed in looks, but not personalities. Nothing could ever change us. We're all taller, a bit more muscular, haircuts, and toner features. I'm 18, Luke's 17, Ashton's 18, and Calum's 18.
I've been to places that I never dreamed of going to, I've seen cultures I didn't even know existed, I've heard languages I never understood and still don't, I've been jetlagged so many times I'm considering it a lifestyle and I've been in so many weather changes I'm never too sure what to expect. Although my style of black skinny jeans, wristbands and band tees never change.
As much as I've loved seeing all the different places, I'm glad to be back home. Sydney will always be my home and I would never even dream of changing that.
So, we've just landed home. We kept it a surprise for everyone, our families, significant others and friends. They all expect us to be home next week or so.
I decided to go see Brooke first since I know my dad's at work now. But I'll go home and drop my bags off.
"Home sweet home." Calum sighed as we finally walked out the plane.
"There's fans." Luke pointed out, staring ahead at the wave of teenage girls staring at us in awe with posters in hand and phone's at the ready.
"Hi guys!" Ashton chirped. A chorus of 'Hi's were returned calmly, because thank god our fans aren't the type to mob us or scream.
"Okay, we need a favour from you guys!" I said. I heard a lot of giggles and 'Yeah?'s. "We'll take pics but don't post them or Tweet them yet because we're surprising our families, wait until one of us tweets that we're here, okay?"
A chorus of 'Okay's were heard and that's when we made our way through the fans, taking pictures and making videos or signing things.
As soon as we got to the other side of the airport, we all looked back at them and smiled.
"Thank you guys! We love you!" Luke smiled.
"We love you too! Thank you!" They all said.
We waved bye and then made our way to where the Cab's are.
"You do all realize that this is going to be the first time being separated in 6 months?" Calum said.
"It's weird." Luke admitted.
"Aw, I'll miss you guys." Ashton pouted.
"We'll miss you too." I smiled and then he pulled us in a group hug, a tight one at that.
"Fuck, Brooke's right, your group hug's gonna kill us one day." Calum wheezed. Ashton smirked and then squeezed us tighter.
"Okay, stop!" Luke gasped before jumping back. He then licked his lip with his tongue and realised something. "Wait, where's the ring?!"

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)