I just woke up from the birthday sleepover.
We had so much fun last night.
We had a food fight and we played Monopoly. We had loads of pizza and food. And we made a little tower out of gummy bears. And Ashton got super hyper from too much Vegemite. It was awesome. And Luke ate a full jar of Nutella and basically passed out after. And we all set up camp in the living room. Somehow I ended up sleeping next to Calum on the floor, with his arms around me, basically cuddling into eachother, Michael had the whole couch to himself, and Ash and Luke were cuddled up next to eachother on the arm chair.
There was pizza boxes, gummy bears and popcorn all over the room, and empty foam cups.
The lounge room looks like it's been through war, but nope, it was just a Michael Clifford birthday.
"Ya know you'd think we got drunk but we just got hyper off sugar." Calum said making me jump. I didn't see him awake.
"Morning, mister." I said.
"Morniiiing." He moaned. "Oh, Brooke?"
"Thank you. For letting me come and for being my friend." He said smiling.
I looked up at him and I noticed our faces were only inches away from eachother. But his lips are so plump...
"No need. And I'm glad I agreed." I chuckled. He returned it.
His arms were still around me.
He gave me a similar feeling that Mike did, comfort and safeness and happiness. And an electric feeling inside of me. And he sent me a warm feeling. And I couldn't hold back the smile that appeared on my face.
"it's still a lil' early...should we sleep a bit more?" He said.
I nodded and burried my face back in his chest, and he pulled me so close to me, no air could get inbetween us. And his arms tightened around me as he put his head on top of mine.
My eyes fluttered shut and I fell back to sleep.
"Brooke wake up." A voice said.
Well this is a bit of dejà vu.
I fluttered my eyes open and saw Luke leaning over me, slightly nudging me to wake upm
"Mmm?" Was all I managed to say.
"Talk? For a minute please?" He said pouting.
I nodded, I looked back up at a sleeping Calum, and I carefully unwounded his arms around me. When I managed to, without waking him up, I got up.
Mike was passed out and snoring on the couch still, he seemed to be holding a little stuffed lion, he called it Daniel.
Ashton was the only other one awake, he was eating, what seemed to look like toast and vegemite.
He sent me a little wave and I returned it.We went into the kitchen, Luke kind of looked nervous.
"What's wrong, Luke?" I asked.
"It's...it's Michael..." he said. This certainly grabbed my attention.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Um...Brooke...I don't know them very well, but what are his parents like?" He asked.
I felt my gut flip. Why was he asking? How did he know about his parents? How did he know something was wrong with them? He obviously knew something or he wouldn't be asking.
"W-Why do you ask?" I said cautiously.
"Well...yesterday he seemed out of it...all day...especially about you and Calum, making up, I don't know...but...last night..." he said. He couldn't finish his sentence.
"Last night?" I ushered.
"I asked if he was okay...he...he inda just burst out and I don't think he wanted to..." he continued slowly. The suspension is killing me.
"Go on..." I ushered. "What did he say?"
"He...he said 'Well my fucking parents don't give a shit about me, all fucking day they ignored me like the assholes they are, no happy birthday or shit and they never cared about me and now Brooke is with Calum just to top off my cake! Brooke is mine...' and stuff like that. And after he said all that, he put a hand over his mouth and said 'shit, I didn't mean to say that' and he walked away from me and kinda ignored me." He finished.
I gulped. How could his parents not wish him a happy birthday? Not that I expected them too after what I've found out. It must kill Mike to have parents like that. But what did he mean by 'Brooke is mine'? And me and Calum aren't together, I've told him this. And if he needs to talk, he doesn't need to hold it all in. I'm here for him. And I thought he knew that!
"I-I..." I said.
"Brooke?" He asked.
I looked up at him, waiting for him to continue.
"Do you know anything about Mikes parents treating him badly?" He asked. He raised his eyebrows. Obviously lying wouldn't help me.
I nodded slightly.
His face dropped, and he widened his eyes.
''Why didn't anyone want to tell me?'' he asked sadly.
''No! No! It's not that...it's just it's a touchy subject for him...'' I said. Not being so sure of what I could say.
''Yeah...I...I guess I understand.'' he said.
We walked out the kitchen and didn't speak of it again.
A/N: Hey! So how you liking it? hehe leave a comment and PLEASE vote and maybe a lil follow? c: Love u guys xx :)

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)