*Michael P.O.V*
It was Christmas Eve, and I still haven't spoken to Brooke since she stopped me on the street. And that same night she texted me 'I miss you x' I scoffed at it. I was still mad at her. But, at the same time I have an empty feeling in my life, she was it, but I reluctantly let her go. I miss her suportive dad and Mandy, I never was super close to Mandy, but she was still there. I miss being at her house and miss having the ability to just walk into her house without being invited, rude, I know. But it's true. And I miss her being the reason to wake up everyday, just so I could go and drag her out of bed and to school. But all of those were taken off my table of offers. It's amazing how all my daily activites have decreased just because of one person. On any other day, I'd probably be around her house watching movies or whatever.
"Michael?" My dad snapped me out of my thoughts.
"Oh, yeah, sorry." I said.
Me and my dad were currently in a pizza place having some quality time, mum still hasn't come back and I wondered why, she was supposed to be back yesterday, not that I want her to come back. But dad told me he had news.
"What did you want to tell me?" I asked him.
"Okay, you have to keep your excitement inside okay?" He smiled.
I was already bouncing my head up on down nervously and I had butterflies in my stomach.
"Okay..." I ushered.
"So...I spoke to your mother this morning..."
I was getting excited. He wouldn't mention it to me if it wasn't something good.
"...and she has decided to call devorce and she's not coming back to the house. Ever." He finished.
My eyes widened, and I was grinning like a 5 year old on Christmas. This was the best news I've ever heard. I'm too excited. She's not coming back. I'm gonna be safe. She's not gonna keep ruining my life.
I acted on pilot, I jumped from my seat and embraced my shocked father. It took him a couple seconds to comprehend what I was doing until he secured his arms around me tightly.
"Th-This is the best news ever." I happy cried.
"Hey, hey," he said patting my back. "You're gonna be okay. We're gonna be able to live safe and normal. I can finally be a father and have a son I've always wanted. And I hope you know that Michael. I love you, but I was forced to hate you. I hated the way she treated you Mike, but I couldn't do anything about it. She was capable of too much. But, she's gone. She told me to be a 'useless father and cuddle up to you'. So we can be normal."
"I love you too dad. And now I won't be depressed anymore." I mumbled before sitting back down. What he just said brought more happy tears to my eyes. And I finally felt loved.
"Wait. You were depressed? As in, you had suicidal thought and you cut and you hated your life, that type of depressed?" He asked, shocked.
"Uh, yeah pretty much." I said, popping my lips, nodding slowly.
"Oh my god...I'm sorry. I should have known. Please. Don't scar yourself again." He said.
"Well, it doesn't take a scientist to guess I would have been depressed in a house with her." I said.
"No, I know...I'm sorry Mike." He said sadly.
"Don't be. We're fine now, the past is the past, let's forget it." I said attempting to be happy.
"Okay," he said, biting into a slice of pizza. "And, how's that girl, Bailey? Britney?"
"Brooke. And I have no idea, I haven't spoken to her-"

unpredictable : mgc
Fanfiction"welcome to the unpredictable club." subwaylrh (disclaimer: this was my VERY 1st fanfic and it's not the best but enjoy i guess !!!)