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"...yeah mom, I miss you too." I said, as she was on the verge of crying.

"It's been almost a month but, we still can't get used to it." She said, her voice breaking.

It's been a month since I got married and came into this house. A place, where I thought I'd make my own family. But, the reality was alot more different than the idea itself.

Whatever Mr. Wilson said, before we got married was complied till now. Their was no change in him. Their was no change in them.

As always, Mr. Wilson was cold to me and Mariah, well she isn't warming up to the idea of me being around here. The only way, I'm spending my time, around here is the books, I've brought or talking to Debby & Ella whenever, I get a chance. Dorothy's always kind of busy but, she's always polite about it.

Lately, I've been thinking about working. For starters, all I could do, is look for a good team to work with. I can also, buy in a place to set up an office here and can start the production of some basic designs, that's been on my sheets for too long. But, the only thing that's been stopping me is, him.

I don't know, how he'd react if he gets to know, I'm planning to start a work space here.

I mean I'm sure, he knew about me working, back at home, right?

I soon, end the call with mom, on a quick 'goodbye', cause I don't wanna here her cry. I get up from the porch and start making my way up. Their's this one room upstairs, I discovered and it has a beautiful view from its balcony. I've been planning to have my coffee and read for a while their.

So I start making my way upstairs, carrying a cup of freshly brewed coffee from Debby.

As I reach upstairs, I try my best not to look at Mariah's room. It's been around 4 days and she still haven't talked to me, after I saw the pictures in her room. I sigh defeated and try my best not to pay attention to it.

Soon, I reach upto the room and open the door to it. It was definately a guest room that's why, it was so well maintained and empty but, a single chair in the balcony was enough for me.

So I make my way to rocking chair and sit down to read.


After around an hour I close my book and sit their, enjoying the sunset. It was beautiful from here but, I couldn't see the sun setting clearly. I tried to tiptoe to see it going down but, I couldn't see it properly. I look around defeated and found another balcony adjacent to the one, I was in and the sunrays, still shown over it, from behind the trees.

I got curious and wanted to look at it, so I quickly kept my book on my seat and went out of the room.

The room, was a little away, from the one I was in, kind of more secluded. I make my way towards it and open the door only to be engulfed in dark.

The room was in complete dark and cold, unlike any other room, in the Mansion.

I look around and find, the glass doors to balcony to be covered with dark curtains. A very little seeped through it, giving a very soft glow on the golden hour. I make my way towards it, through the dark room and finally push the curtains away to look at the beautiful sun.

But, something more beautiful catches my eyes. As I turn to look at the way, the golden sunrays, warms up the room and light it up, completely.

Only then, I see her.

This was her room?

I slowly make my way towards the simple, four poster bed. The sheets were crumbled like, someone just woke up from their. I look at the nightstand besides it and find a picture frame....

Of them, together.

Both of them, were in this bed. Covered with sheets, as Mr. Wilson slept, spooning her from behind, as she took the picture.

He was snuggling into her, sleeping and she had the brightest smile on her face.

They looked perfect.

I also noticed, a empty cup with a saucer under it placed, neatly their. And also, a small velvet box. I picked it up and opened the box only to find a beautiful ring inside. A diamond ring.

I was shocked to see something so expensive, laying around here. I closed the box and kept it back in it's place. I was about to open the drawer to the nightstand when, I heard a loud thud, of the door opening and I was startled. And it caused me to drop the cup from the nightstand and it broke into pieces.

I turned to look at him.

Shit! Mr. Wilson.

He looked absolutely furious and had a murderous look, on his face. He stormed in and held my arm, in a painful grip, as he brought pulled me towards, himself.

"What the fuck, are you doing here?!" He spat. His voice booming throughout the room. I shivered at the hate his eyes carried for me. But, this was not anything like before. It was as alien as his touch on my skin. And both of them, made me shake to the core.

"I-I was just l-looking" I stuttered.

He held my another with his free and shook me again, with his painful grip over me. He continued doing it, it would definately leave a bruise.

"Don't. Ever. Come. Here!" He yelled and I whimpered in his grip.

"Do you get that?" He asked and I nodded vigoursly with a short 'yes'. He immediately let go of me and looked at me, scrutinizingly. At this point I couldn't control the tears that streamed through my eyes, partially because, my arms hurted and partially, cause something in me broke.

I quickly moved on my feet and almost ran out of the room. I didn't look back and ran straight to my room.

I closed the door, frantically and slid down the door. Crying.

I was shaking with fear. I brought up my knees, close and hugged myself to a ball. My breathing was still rapid and I couldn't think straight.

The only thought that kept reoccurring to me was....

He touched me for the first time, only to leave me bruised.


Hello my loves💜

All of this got a whole lot suspicious!what do you think, was actually in that room?!
Oohhh, spooky vibes.
Stay tuned♥️

Song recommendation;
Princesses don't cry ~ Aviva

Hope you like it💜

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