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Jake's pov~

"James." I said, nodding curtly.

James and I've been close since childhood. Especially through our teenage years, we've really got fond of each other. I never felt out of place or uncomfortable around him but, for some strange reason, today I did.

"Can I have a moment with my brother?" He said, coming in. He displayed his boyish grin once again and I remembered, he wasn't my real enemy.

"Of course." I said getting up from my chair and made way towards the couch I had in the office. Soon, he settles beside me.

"So, what have I done, to be graced by your presence?" I asked, playfully.

"Well how about we start with my existence?" He asked, raising a brow cockily at me and instantly, I smacked him on head. And we both started laughing.

He wasn't the evil. He's my little brother.

"Okay fine." He said, laughing. "I came here to say goodbye." He said, smiling softly.

"Goodbye? So soon?" I asked, surprised.

"Well, if you haven't noticed, I've been here for almost a month!" He said, feigning hurt. "My busy CEO brother, haven't even spend a proper day with me." He said, mockingly.

"I'll take that, I'm sorry. I was just too occupied." I said, feeling actually guilty.

"Hey! chill out. I know you're busy and that's why, I came to disturb you, in your office" He said grinning. "And I won't leave until afternoon, cause I have a flight at 7pm." He said, spreading his limbs leisurely, making himself comfortable.

"Of course! If you want we can go to have lunch somewhere? How about t-" I stood up to call my assistant to book a reservation for us when, he suddenly pulled me down, making me sit back on the couch.

"No. First, I want to talk about something to you." He said a bit seriously.

"Well, go ahead. What are you waiting for?" I reassured.

"It's... actually it's about Anne."

This was probably the last thing I was expecting to hear. I tensed evidently and brought up my walls again. He does not, need to know.

"What about her?" I asked, very sharply.

"Well... How about we start from, the way you treat her." He said, hesitantly. I looked at him, with a pointed look and he added. "Don't give me that look! I've seen the way you treat her."

"When?" I asked, curtly.

"At the family lunch, of course." He spoke, quickly.

"Then what do you know, about me treating her, in just one random lunch?" I said, getting up from my seat and going towards my desk.

"I know! I've seen the way she was so timid around you. She didn't even speak a word to you, through out the lunch. Not a single word!!" He said, getting up from his place stood behind me. "The way she stole glances, whenever I talked to her. She seemed confident with her work but, not around you. Why?!"

"And why the fuck, would I know, why!" I screamed, turning on my heels to face him.

"Because you definitely don't treat her right!" He said, screaming equally loud. "Or else, why the fuck would she be so scared of you?"

I turned around again, not wanting to face him. I constantly reminded myself that he wasn't my enemy. He was just my brother but, the thought of him having, potential attraction towards, that evil lady, was too much to bear. I tried to take deep breathes and stood behind my chair, staring down at the bustling city.

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