"I'm fine."

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Breathe in.

Breathe out.

I gathered, rest of my confidence as, I walked through the door, to the dining area. Debby was arranging the table, with the warm breakfast.

And he sat their, wearing his crisp suit, reading a newspaper. Looking gorgeous as ever.

I slowly got to the table and sat, on my usual place. A seat away from him, on his right. I never dared to get closer to him, since day one. I don't want to get on his nerves, when I already knew, that I wasn't on the good side for him.

I finally reached the table, which felt like took me years, to finally get to. I sat down on my place and glanced at him, through the corner of my eyes. He kept on reading, not even bothering to, spare me a glance.

I cleared my throat, awkwardly.

"Good morning." I said, nodding towards him.

He folded the corner of his paper, looked at me for a brief second and settled his attention back on the paper. Not speaking a single word. Okay.
Will have to put more efforts!

I gulped, the coffee in front of me and looked at him again, finally coming to the point.

"Why didn't you come to party, yesterday?" I paused, " I thought mom-dad, informed you about it." I asked, urging him to answer.

"They did." He said, sternly. Still not looking at me.

".... And?" I urged him to speak further.

He groaned. And I got the signal that he didn't wanted to talk about it. Maybe after all, my excuse was not just an excuse. Maybe, he was really busy. Then, I coughed again and asked him.

"I didn't knew, you worked on Sundays too." I said, eyeing his suit. "Is their something important? That's why you're working?" I asked, hesitantly.

He groaned again, louder this time. He stood from his seat abruptly and slammed his hand down on the table, leaning in. And almost sneered at me, dangerously.

"No! Their isn't. But, I don't want to stay here for the rest of day and look at your face! So, I'm going away from here, from you." He spat. His voice, dripping with venom. "And it's the answer to your earlier questions." He paused, growling,

"I don't want to be associated with you!"

I flinched. Almost shaking with fear. He stood straight again and adjusted his suit jacket and buttoning it. He then, swiftly turned and walked out, of the main door. And I just sat their, stunned. I was still shaking when, I looking down at the table, to control my raging heartbeat and then I noticed.

He didn't even, finish his breakfast.


I looked at the empty space, as I tried to dismiss my thoughts and erase that memory.

' I don't want to be associated with you! '

Those words kept on ringing in my ear. And I couldn't think of anything but, the irritation and disgust on his face, towards me. I felt a gust of wind, swirl through my hairs and I sighed deeply. Why did he say that? Was I ugly, like people thought? Or was I not good enough to be his wife? Or was I not worthy for all of this?

I felt bad about everything but, I restrained myself from crying.

It's okay. Their's nothing to cry about it. I already knew, he didn't very much preferred me. So, it shouldn't have been a surprise for me.

I sighed again, breathing in deeply.

I sat their, on the porch of the back yard, trying to soothe that burning sensation when, I heard her walking in.


I got up and quickly put on a smile, half heatedly.

"Hey, where you've been?" I asked her, which resulted in her halting.

"It shouldn't matter to you." She replied coldly, not even turning to look at me.

"Well it does, Mariah. I've been worried!" I exclaimed. "You've been gone out for 4 hours." I tried to explain my concern.

"No! It shouldn't matter to you!" She yelled. "You're not my mom. So don't even try to be!" She said and stomped off.

Leaving me broken.

Her sudden outburst, caused my already hindering insides, stir. And my eyes welled up in tears. I turned to look at Dorothy and Ella, standing in the hallway, giving me sympathetic look. And I couldn't control it anymore, so I ran straight to my room. Not intending for them, to see my tears, at all.

I finally reached my room and closed the door shut, throwing myself on the bed and bursting out in tears.

Why would this only happen to me? I just intended to ask her whereabouts. Was it wrong for me to be concerned about her?

I couldn't contain the overwhelming tears that kept on flowing. Maybe, I didn't wanted to contain them.

After, about a hour later, I looked at the clock and found it was 4 in evening. I wanted to get out of this toxic mindset, I was building up on my own. So, I called the only person, I knew could help with the situation.

Holly McAllister.

I sat up on the bed and called her. After about 3 rings she answered. I knew, she's prompt.

"O.M.G. Mrs. Anne Wilson." She said, dramatically. "How come you've called a negligible organism like me?" She exaggerated. "Or have you finally got free from your bedroom?" She asked, smirk evident in her voice.

"H-ho-ll-y." My voice broke.

Shit! I should've cleared my throat first. I sounded way more pathetic than, I would've liked to intend. I just hope, she doesn't recognize it. Please god.

"Hey! What happened? You okay?" She asked, concerned.

Oh no.


Hello my loves💜

I'm sorry for updating so slowly but,😥 I've been really occupied with my studies and  first book, since it came to another twist.😅

If you've not read it, then please do.

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Song recommendation ;
             Can we kiss forever ~ Kina

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